#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ project: Backuppy version: 0.9 file: utils.py summary: utilities script """ # Standard library imports import time # local imports from languages import english from languages import german # local globals LANG_EN = "EN" LANG_DE = "DE" LANGUAGE = LANG_EN class bcolors: """ Define colors for the std. output to console. """ OK = '\033[92m' #GREEN WARNING = '\033[93m' #YELLOW ERROR = '\033[91m' #RED RESET = '\033[0m' #RESET COLOR def trace(message_txt, prefix_crlf=False, err=False): """ Print a formatted message to std out. :param "message_txt" [in] The message text that should be displayed. :param "prefix_crlf" [in] If True, a carriage return/line feed will be done prior to the message text. """ if prefix_crlf: print("\n") if err: print("[ " + bcolors.ERROR + "ERR" + bcolors.RESET + " ] " + message_txt) else: print("[ " + bcolors.OK + "OK" + bcolors.RESET + " ] " + message_txt) def get_lang_text(search_str: str): """ Returns a string from the appropriate language file. """ return_str: str = eval("english." + search_str) global LANGUAGE if LANGUAGE == LANG_DE: return_str = eval("german." + search_str) return return_str def _print(message_txt: str): print("\n" + get_lang_text(message_txt) + "\n") time.sleep(1) def set_language(language): """ Set global constant "LANGUAGE" to given language ("EN"/"DE"). """ global LANGUAGE, LANG_DE, LANG_EN if str(language) and language.upper() == LANG_DE: LANGUAGE = LANG_DE else: LANGUAGE = LANG_EN def query(question_txt: str): try: answer_txt = input(get_lang_text(question_txt) + "\n> ") if not answer_txt: answer_txt = "''" if answer_txt.upper() == ":Q" or answer_txt == chr(27): trace("Program exited by user-input.") return None except KeyboardInterrupt: trace("Program interrupted by user.", prefix_crlf=True, err=True) return None return answer_txt