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Welcome to sp‑codes!

Glad you found your way here. My name is Samuel Philipp, and I am a software engineer from Magdeburg. On this site you will find information about me and an overview of the services I provide. Feel free to look around or use the various services.

Since April 2022 I also offer professional hosting of open source tools for companies, private persons and other organizations with my company Ossrox. If you are interested, feel free to visit our website or send me a message.



For users of the services and anyone interested, there is a public matrix room as a place to share questions, ideas and problems: #sp-codes:matrix.sp-codes.de

Follow sp-codes on Mastodon: @sp_codes@social.sp-codes.de

{% include "services-simple.html" %}

Profiles & Contact

You have found a mistake, suggestions or any other question? Feel free to contact me via one of the following platforms. I look forward to your message!

{% include "profiles.html" %}