--- layout: base.njk key: gitea title: Gitea --- # Gitea Gitea is a simple code hosting platform like GitHub or GitLab. It is open source and under continuous development. __Since the end of 2019 I have my own Gitea instance where I manage my projects.__ For example this website. Feel free to have a look at the source code and leave some feedback. In addition to Gitea, I also run Drone, a platform that extends Gitea with many continuous integration features, such as automated builds and deploys. Feel free to visit and sign up if you're interested in developing a project. The registration is open since March 2020. __To get to Gitea click here: [git.sp-codes.de](https://git.sp-codes.de)__ __If you want to check out Drone, click here: [ci.sp-codes.de](https://ci.sp-codes.de)__ ## More useful links * [Gitea website](https://gitea.io/en-us/) * [Source code of Gitea](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea) * [Drone Website](https://drone.io/) * [Source code of Drone](https://github.com/drone/drone)