#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ project: Backuppy version: 0.7 file: install.py summary: main entry python file """ # Standard library imports import sys import os import time # local imports from languages import english from languages import german # local globals # ---------------------- VERSION: str = "0.7" # ---------------------- MYDIR = os.getcwd() EXCLUDE_FILE = "exclude.txt" BACKUPPY_SCRIPT = "Backuppy.sh" SHELL = os.environ.get("SHELL") HOME = os.environ.get("HOME") LANG_EN: str = "English" LANG_DE: str = "German" LANGUAGE: str = None RSYNC_CMD: str = None EMAIL: str = "fotocoder@joschu.ch" def set_language(language): global LANGUAGE LANGUAGE = language def trace(message_txt): """ Print a formatted message to std out. """ print("[ OK ] " + message_txt) def get_lang_text(search_str: str): global LANGUAGE """ Returns a string from the appropriate language file. """ return_str: str = eval("english." + search_str) if LANGUAGE == LANG_DE: return_str = eval("german." + search_str) return return_str def install_cli_main(): language = input("Hello, first of all, which language do you prefer: German [DE] or English [EN]?\n> ") if language.upper() == "DE": set_language(LANG_DE) print("Perfekt, nun ist das deutsche Sprachpaket aktiviert. Willkommen!\n") else: print("Perfect, the English language package is now activated. Welcome!.\n") time.sleep(1) print("\n" + get_lang_text("intromsg1") + "\n") time.sleep(1) print("\n" + get_lang_text("intromsg2") + "\n") time.sleep(1) # which Rsync options are available and which one you want to use print(get_lang_text("rsyncopt") + "\n") time.sleep(1) # asks if you want to exclude files/directories from backup and creates an exclude file in case of Yes exclude = input(get_lang_text("excludefile1") + "\n> ") if exclude.upper() in ("J", "Y"): print(get_lang_text("excludefile2") + "\n") os.environ["BUPY_CREATE_EXCLUDE"] = "True" else: print(get_lang_text("excludefile3") + "\n") time.sleep(1) # Asks for the source directory which should be saved print(get_lang_text("srcdir1")) time.sleep(1) sourcedir = input(get_lang_text("srcdir2") + "\n> ") print(f"{get_lang_text('srcdir3_1')} {sourcedir} {get_lang_text('srcdir3_2')}") time.sleep(1) # asks for the destination directory in which the backup should be saved targetdir = input(get_lang_text("targetdir1") + "\n> ") print(f"{get_lang_text('targetdir2_1')} {targetdir} {get_lang_text('targetdir2_2')}") time.sleep(1) # collects all the information needed to execute the rsync command and creates it. print(get_lang_text("collect") + "\n") time.sleep(1) exclude_file = os.path.join(MYDIR, EXCLUDE_FILE) RSYNC_CMD = f"rsync -aqp --exclude-from={exclude_file} {sourcedir} {targetdir}" os.environ["BUPY_RSYNC_CMD"] = RSYNC_CMD print(f"{RSYNC_CMD}") time.sleep(1) # Outro print(get_lang_text("outro1")) time.sleep(2) print(get_lang_text("outro2") + " " + EMAIL) def create_exclude_file(directory, exclude_file): exclude_file = os.path.join(directory, exclude_file) with open(exclude_file, "w") as fExclude: trace(f"creating exclude-file '{exclude_file}'.") fExclude.write("\n") return exclude_file def create_alias(directory, backuppy_script): # alias entry in .bashrc or .zshrc backuppy_script = os.path.join(directory, backuppy_script) alias_str = f"alias backuppy='sudo {backuppy_script}'" # Check for installed ZSH if SHELL.upper().find("ZSH") > 0: rc_filepath = os.path.join(HOME, ".zshrc") # Check for installed BASH if SHELL.upper().find("BASH") > 0: rc_filepath = os.path.join(HOME, ".bashrc") # Append our alias if not already existing if os.path.isfile(rc_filepath): fileRc = open(rc_filepath, "r") # open file in read mode backuppy_entry_exists = False for line in fileRc: if "alias backuppy=" in line: backuppy_entry_exists = True break if not backuppy_entry_exists: trace(f"Writing {alias_str} to config file '{rc_filepath}'.") fileRc = open(rc_filepath, "a") # open file in append mode fileRc.write("\n# Following line was created by Backuppy\n" + alias_str + "\n") fileRc.close() def create_backuppy_script(directory, backuppy_script, rsync_cmd): # creates the file 'Backuppy.sh' backuppy_file = os.path.join(directory, backuppy_script) with open(backuppy_file, "w") as fBackuppy: trace(f"creating backuppy-file '{backuppy_file}'.") fBackuppy.write("#!/bin/bash\n" + rsync_cmd + "\n") os.chmod(backuppy_file, 0o777) # make file executable def do_the_install(): """ Does the things with our environment variables. """ is_exclude = os.environ.get("BUPY_CREATE_EXCLUDE") rsync_cmd = os.environ.get("BUPY_RSYNC_CMD") if is_exclude == "True": exclude_file = create_exclude_file(MYDIR, EXCLUDE_FILE) create_alias(MYDIR, BACKUPPY_SCRIPT) create_backuppy_script(MYDIR, BACKUPPY_SCRIPT, rsync_cmd) def main(argv): trace(f"Starting Backuppy install.py v{VERSION}") if argv and argv[0] == "--gui": import install_gui trace("Starting GUI-version.\n") install_gui.main() # collect user input via GUI and store in env. variables else: trace("Starting CLI-version.\n") install_cli_main() # collect user input via CLI and store in env. variables do_the_install() trace("Ending Backuppy install.py") if __name__ == '__main__': # sys.argv.append("--gui") # TODO: disable for production sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))