#!/bin/bash trap "tput reset; tput cnorm; exit" 2 clear tput civis lin=2 col=$(($(tput cols) / 2)) c=$((col-1)) est=$((c-2)) color=0 tput setaf 2; tput bold # Tree for ((i=1; i<20; i+=2)) { tput cup $lin $col for ((j=1; j<=i; j++)) { echo -n \* } let lin++ let col-- } tput sgr0; tput setaf 3 # Trunk for ((i=1; i<=2; i++)) { tput cup $((lin++)) $c echo 'mWm' } new_year=$(date +'%Y') let new_year++ tput setaf 1; tput bold tput cup $lin $((c - 4)); echo FELIZ NATAL tput cup $((lin + 1)) $((c - 9)); echo E muito CODIGO em $new_year tput cup $((lin + 3)) $((c - 1)); echo e2a tput cup $((lin + 5)) $((c - 18)); echo https://github.com/aceiro/ChristBASHTree let c++ k=1 # Lights and decorations while true; do for ((i=1; i<=35; i++)) { # Turn off the lights [ $k -gt 1 ] && { tput setaf 2; tput bold tput cup ${line[$[k-1]$i]} ${column[$[k-1]$i]}; echo \* unset line[$[k-1]$i]; unset column[$[k-1]$i] # Array cleanup } li=$((RANDOM % 9 + 3)) start=$((c-li+2)) co=$((RANDOM % (li-2) * 2 + 1 + start)) tput setaf $color; tput bold # Switch colors tput cup $li $co echo o line[$k$i]=$li column[$k$i]=$co color=$(((color+1)%8)) # Flashing text sh=1 for l in C O D I G O do tput cup $((lin+1)) $((c-3+sh)) echo $l let sh++ sleep 0.01 done } k=$((k % 2 + 1)) done