#!/usr/bin/bash #DEVICE="ArchOS.raw" DEVICE="/dev/vda" declare -A GUID="" GUID=([ESP]="c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b" [ROOT]="4f68bce3-e8cd-4db1-96e7-fbcaf984b709") mkdir repart cd repart || exit cat > 10-esp.conf << EOF [Partition] Type=esp Label=EFI System Partition SizeMinBytes=512M SizeMaxBytes=512M Format=vfat EOF cat > 30-root.conf << EOF [Partition] Type=root Label=ArchOS Build Root Format=ext4 GrowFileSystem=yes EOF cat > 20-swap.conf << EOF [Partition] Type=swap Label=ArchOS Build Swap SizeMinBytes=512M SizeMaxBytes=3G Format=swap EOF cd .. || exit # Temporär #touch "${DEVICE}" #systemd-repart --definitions=repart --dry-run=no --size=auto --empty=allow "${DEVICE}" systemd-repart --definitions=repart --dry-run=no --empty=allow "${DEVICE}" #systemd-repart --definitions=repart --dry-run=no --size=10G --empty=create "${DEVICE}" UUID_ROOT=$(lsblk -lo PARTTYPE,PARTUUID "${DEVICE}" | grep -i "${GUID[ROOT]}" | awk '{ print $2 }') UUID_ESP=$(lsblk -lo PARTTYPE,PARTUUID "${DEVICE}" | grep -i "${GUID[ESP]}" | awk '{ print $2 }') declare -A UUID="" UUID=( [ROOT]="${UUID_ROOT}" [ESP]="${UUID_ESP}" ) mount /dev/disk/by-partuuid/"${UUID[ROOT]}" /mnt mkdir -p /mnt/boot mount /dev/disk/by-partuuid/"${UUID[ESP]}" /mnt/boot # Pacman im Live-System konfigurieren sed -i 's/#\(Color\)/\1/' /etc/pacman.conf # Umbruch notwendug sed -i 's/#\(ParallelDownloads\s=\s5\)/\1\ ILoveCandy/' /etc/pacman.conf TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin" LANG="de_DE.UTF-8" KEYMAP="de-latin1" HOSTNAME_NEW="arch-build" KERNEL="linux" BASE=( base ) BASE_DEVEL=( base-devel) INITRD=( mkinitcpio ) MICROCODE="amd-ucode" #WIFI_BACKEND=( wpa_supplicant ) NETWORK=( iptables-nft firewalld inetutils avahi ) MKOSI=( mkosi cpio gptfdisk ) OTHER=( vim "${MKOSI[@]}" git lynx openssh htop bash-completion man-db man-pages reflector "${BASE[@]}" "${BASE_DEVEL[@]}" "${INITRD[@]}" plymouth linux-firmware xdg-utils opendoas ) pacstrap /mnt "${KERNEL}" "${MICROCODE}" "${NETWORK[@]}" "${OTHER[@]}" arch-chroot /mnt hwclock --systohc arch-chroot /mnt rm -rf /etc/localtime arch-chroot /mnt ln -sf "/usr/share/zoneinfo/${TIMEZONE}" /etc/localtime sed -i 's/#\(Color\)/\1/' /mnt/etc/pacman.conf # Umbruch notwendug sed -i 's/#\(ParallelDownloads\s=\s5\)/\1\ ILoveCandy/' /mnt/etc/pacman.conf sed -i "s/#\(${LANG}\)/\1/" /mnt/etc/locale.gen arch-chroot /mnt locale-gen echo "LANG=${LANG}" > /mnt/etc/locale.conf echo "KEYMAP=${KEYMAP}" > /mnt/etc/vconsole.conf echo "${HOSTNAME_NEW}" > /mnt/etc/hostname cat > /mnt/etc/hosts << EOF # The following lines are desirable for IPv4 capable hosts localhost # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters EOF cat /mnt/etc/doas.conf << EOF permit :wheel EOF arch-chroot /mnt chpasswd <<< "root:testen" arch-chroot /mnt useradd -mG wheel build arch-chroot /mnt chpasswd <<< "build:build" sed -i 's/#\(CHARACTER_SET:\).*/\1utf-8/' /mnt/etc/lynx.cfg cat > /mnt/etc/xdg/reflector/reflector.conf << EOF --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist --country Germany --protocol https --latest 5 EOF mkdir -p /mnt/etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d cat > /mnt/etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/disable-multicastDNS.conf << EOF [Resolve] MulticastDNS=no EOF arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable systemd-resolved arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd #arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable NetworkManager arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable systemd-networkd arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable reflector.timer arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable firewalld arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable fstrim.timer #arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable gdm arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable avahi-daemon #arch-chroot /mnt systemctl enable bluetooth sed -i 's/^HOOKS=(.*)/HOOKS=(base systemd keyboard plymouth autodetect sd-vconsole modconf kms block filesystems fsck)/' /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf arch-chroot /mnt mkinitcpio -p "${KERNEL}" arch-chroot /mnt bootctl install cat > /mnt/boot/loader/loader.conf << EOF timeout 5 console-mode max editor yes default * EOF cat > /mnt/boot/loader/entries/arch.conf << EOF title Arch Linux Build version 0.1 linux /vmlinuz-${KERNEL} initrd /${MICROCODE}.img initrd /initramfs-${KERNEL}.img options quiet splash rw EOF mkdir -p /mnt/usr/lib/repart.d #cd repart || exit cat > /mnt/usr/lib/repart.d/10-esp.conf << EOF [Partition] Type=esp Label=EFI System Partition SizeMinBytes=512M SizeMaxBytes=512M Format=vfat EOF cat > /mnt/usr/lib/repart.d/20-root.conf << EOF [Partition] Type=root Label=ArchOS Build Root Format=ext4 GrowFileSystem=yes EOF cat > /mnt/usr/lib/repart.d/30-swap.conf << EOF [Partition] Type=swap Label=ArchOS Build Swap SizeMinBytes=512M SizeMaxBytes=3G Format=swap EOF exit 0