#!/usr/bin/env bash if [ -f ./functions.sh ]; then . ./functions.sh else echo "functions.sh does not exists" exit 1 fi ###### Prepare Environement ###### setColors prepare_screen package_manager_detect show_ascii_berry ######## FIRST CHECK ######## # Must be root to install echo ":::" if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]];then echo "::: You are root." else echo "::: sudo will be used for the install." # Check if it is actually installed # If it isn't, exit because the install cannot complete if [[ $(command -v sudo) ]];then export SUDO="sudo" export SUDOE="sudo -E" else echo "::: Please install sudo or run this as root." exit 1 fi fi printf ":::\\n\\n" # Check for dependencies install_dependencies whiptail install_path=$(whiptail --inputbox "Text" "${r}" "${c}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty)