Improve kill assist mod

This commit is contained in:
LoneWolfHT 2021-02-09 16:10:53 -08:00
parent 4e3844bd00
commit 615d4369f6

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@ -11,45 +11,37 @@ function kill_assist.clear_assists(player)
end end
function kill_assist.add_assist(victim, attacker, damage) function kill_assist.add_assist(victim, attacker, damage)
if victim == attacker then return end
if not kill_assists[victim] then if not kill_assists[victim] then
kill_assists[victim] = {} kill_assists[victim] = {
players = {},
hp_offset = 0
end end
kill_assists[victim][attacker] = (kill_assists[victim][attacker] or 0) + damage kill_assists[victim].players[attacker] = (kill_assists[victim].players[attacker] or 0) + damage
end end
function kill_assist.add_heal_assist(victim, healed_hp) function kill_assist.add_heal_assist(victim, healed_hp)
if not kill_assists[victim] then return end if not kill_assists[victim] then return end
for name, damage in pairs(kill_assists[victim]) do -- Player names can't contain '!' so it's safe to use here
kill_assists[victim][name] = math.max(damage - healed_hp, 0) kill_assists[victim].hp_offset = kill_assists[victim].hp_offset + healed_hp
end end
function kill_assist.reward_assists(victim, killer, reward) function kill_assist.reward_assists(victim, killer, reward)
if not kill_assists[victim] then return end if not kill_assists[victim] then return end
for name, damage in pairs(kill_assists[victim]) do for name, damage in pairs(kill_assists[victim].players) do
if minetest.get_player_by_name(name) and name ~= victim then if name ~= "!offset" and minetest.get_player_by_name(name) then
local standard = 0
local max_hp = minetest.get_player_by_name(victim):get_properties().max_hp or 20 local max_hp = minetest.get_player_by_name(victim):get_properties().max_hp or 20
local help_percent = damage / max_hp local help_percent = damage / (max_hp + kill_assists[victim].hp_offset)
local main, match = ctf_stats.player(name) local main, match = ctf_stats.player(name)
local color = "0x00FFFF" local color = "0x00FFFF"
if name ~= killer then if name == killer or help_percent >= 0.33 then
standard = 0.3 reward = math.min(math.floor((reward * help_percent)*100)/100, 1)
help_percent = math.min(help_percent, 0.75)
help_percent = math.min(help_percent, 1)
if help_percent >= standard then
reward = math.floor((reward * help_percent)*100)/100
if reward < 1 then
reward = 1
end end
match.score = match.score + reward match.score = match.score + reward