Fix place CONTENT_IGNORE error by correcting references to removed ctf_barrier:ind_stone

This commit is contained in:
rubenwardy 2018-01-26 17:17:12 +00:00
parent ba6096148d
commit e44942ba05

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@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
minetest.register_node("ctf_team_base:ind_cobble", {
description = "Cobblestone",
tiles = {"default_cobble.png"},
is_ground_content = false,
groups = {immortal = 1},
sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
local function max(a, b)
return (a > b) and a or b
@ -156,11 +164,9 @@ function, pos)
for x = pos.x - 2, pos.x + 2 do
for z = pos.z - 2, pos.z + 2 do
minetest.set_node({ x = x, y = pos.y - 1, z = z},
{name = "default:cobble"})
{name = "ctf_team_base:ind_cobble"})
minetest.set_node({ x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z},
{name = "ctf_barrier:ind_stone"})
-- Check for trees
for y = pos.y, pos.y + 3 do