# Automatically caches settings in the code # (turns calls to ctf.setting into constants) echo Creating build directory $1 rm -fr $1 mkdir $1 echo Copying files rsync -av --exclude=".*" . $1 > /tmp/0 # Read CSV files echo Replacing settings... INPUT=settings_cache.csv OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=" " [ ! -f $INPUT ] &while read sName sValue do # Trim sName sName="$(echo -e "${sName}" | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')" # Replace in all files grep -rl "ctf.setting($sName)" $1 | xargs sed -i "s/ctf.setting($sName)/$sValue/g" # Print message echo "Replacing ctf.setting($sName) with $sValue" done < $INPUT IFS=$OLDIFS echo Done