# This file contains settings of minetest_game that can be changed in # minetest.conf # # By default, all the settings are commented and not functional. # Uncomment settings by removing the preceding #. # Whether creative mode (fast digging of all blocks, unlimited resources) should be enabled #creative_mode = false # The time in seconds after which the bones of a dead player can be looted by everyone # 0 to disable #share_bones_time = 1200 # Whether fire should be disabled (all fire nodes will instantly disappear) #disable_fire = false # Whether steel tools, torches and cobblestone should be given to new players #give_initial_stuff = false # Whether the TNT mod should be enabled #enable_tnt = # The radius of a TNT explosion #tnt_radius = 3 # See mods/ctf_pvp_engine/minetest.conf.example for ctf_pvp_engine settings.