-- Get or add a team function ctf.team(name) if name == nil then return nil end if type(name) == "table" then if not name.add_team then ctf.error("team", "Invalid table given to ctf.team") return end return ctf.create_team(name.name, name) else local team = ctf.teams[name] if team then if not team.data or not team.players then ctf.warning("team", "Assertion failed, data{} or players{} not " .. "found in team{}") end return team else if name and name:trim() ~= "" then ctf.warning("team", dump(name) .. " does not exist!") end return nil end end end function ctf.create_team(name, data) ctf.log("team", "Creating team " .. name) ctf.teams[name] = { data = data, spawn = nil, players = {} } for i = 1, #ctf.registered_on_new_team do ctf.registered_on_new_team[i](ctf.teams[name]) end return ctf.teams[name] end function ctf.remove_team(name) local team = ctf.team(name) if team then for username, player in pairs(team.players) do player.team = nil end for i = 1, #team.flags do team.flags[i].team = nil end ctf.teams[name] = nil return true else return false end end function ctf.list_teams(name) minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Teams:") for tname, team in pairs(ctf.teams) do if team and team.players then local numPlayers = ctf.count_players_in_team(tname) local details = numPlayers .. " members" if team.flags then local numFlags = 0 for flagid, flag in pairs(team.flags) do numFlags = numFlags + 1 end details = details .. ", " .. numFlags .. " flags" end minetest.chat_send_player(name, ">> " .. tname .. " (" .. details .. ")") end end end -- Count number of players in a team function ctf.count_players_in_team(team) local count = 0 for name, player in pairs(ctf.team(team).players) do count = count + 1 end return count end function ctf.new_player(name) if name then ctf.players[name] = { name = name } else ctf.error("team", "Can't create a blank player") ctf.log("team", debug.traceback()) end end -- get a player function ctf.player(name) if not ctf.players[name] then ctf.new_player(name) end return ctf.players[name] end function ctf.player_or_nil(name) return ctf.players[name] end function ctf.chat_send_team(team, msg) if type(team) == "string" then team = ctf.team(team) end for pname, _ in pairs(team.players) do minetest.chat_send_player(pname, msg) end end function ctf.remove_player(name) ctf.log("team", "Removing player ".. dump(name)) local player = ctf.players[name] if player then local team = ctf.team(player.team) if team then team.players[name] = nil end ctf.players[name] = nil return true else return false end end ctf.registered_on_join_team = {} function ctf.register_on_join_team(func) if ctf._mt_loaded then error("You can't register callbacks at game time!") end table.insert(ctf.registered_on_join_team, func) end ctf.player_last_team = {} -- Player joins team -- Called by /join, /team join or auto allocate. function ctf.join(name, team, force, by) if not name or name == "" or not team or team == "" then ctf.log("team", "Missing parameters to ctf.join") return false end local player = ctf.player(name) if not force and not ctf.setting("players_can_change_team") and player.team and ctf.team(player.team) then if by then if by == name then ctf.action("teams", name .. " attempted to change to " .. team) minetest.chat_send_player(by, "You are not allowed to switch teams, traitor!") else ctf.action("teams", by .. " attempted to change " .. name .. " to " .. team) minetest.chat_send_player(by, "Failed to add " .. name .. " to " .. team .. " as players_can_change_team = false") end else ctf.log("teams", "failed to add " .. name .. " to " .. team .. " as players_can_change_team = false") end return false end local team_data = ctf.team(team) if not team_data then if by then minetest.chat_send_player(by, "No such team.") ctf.list_teams(by) if by == name then minetest.log("action", by .. " tried to move " .. name .. " to " .. team .. ", which doesn't exist") else minetest.log("action", name .. " attempted to join " .. team .. ", which doesn't exist") end else ctf.log("teams", "failed to add " .. name .. " to " .. team .. " as team does not exist") end return false end if player.team then local oldteam = ctf.team(player.team) if oldteam then oldteam.players[player.name] = nil end end player.team = team team_data.players[player.name] = player ctf.player_last_team[name] = team minetest.log("action", name .. " joined team " .. team) minetest.chat_send_all(name.." has joined team "..team) for i = 1, #ctf.registered_on_join_team do ctf.registered_on_join_team[i](name, team) end return true end -- Cleans up the player lists function ctf.clean_player_lists() ctf.log("utils", "Cleaning player lists") for _, str in pairs(ctf.players) do if str and str.team and ctf.teams[str.team] then ctf.log("utils", " - Adding player "..str.name.." to team "..str.team) ctf.teams[str.team].players[str.name] = str else ctf.log("utils", " - Skipping player "..str.name) end end end -- Sees if the player can change stuff in a team function ctf.can_mod(player,team) local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(player) if privs then if privs.ctf_admin == true then return true end end if player and ctf.teams[team] and ctf.teams[team].players and ctf.teams[team].players[player] then if ctf.teams[team].players[player].auth == true then return true end end return false end -- Automatic Allocation function ctf.autoalloc(name, alloc_mode) alloc_mode = alloc_mode or ctf.setting("allocate_mode") if alloc_mode == 0 then return end local last_team = ctf.player_last_team[name] if last_team then return last_team end local max_players = ctf.setting("maximum_in_team") local mtot = false -- more than one team if next(ctf.teams) then mtot = true end if not mtot then ctf.error("autoalloc", "No teams to allocate " .. name .. " to!") return end if alloc_mode == 1 then local index = {} for key, team in pairs(ctf.teams) do if team.data.allow_joins ~= false and (max_players == -1 or ctf.count_players_in_team(key) < max_players) then table.insert(index, key) end end if #index == 0 then ctf.error("autoalloc", "No teams to join!") else return index[math.random(1, #index)] end elseif alloc_mode == 2 then local one = nil local one_count = -1 local two = nil local two_count = -1 for key, team in pairs(ctf.teams) do local count = ctf.count_players_in_team(key) if team.data.allow_joins ~= false and (max_players == -1 or count < max_players) then if count > one_count then two = one two_count = one_count one = key one_count = count end if count > two_count then two = key two_count = count end end end if not one and not two then ctf.error("autoalloc", "No teams to join!") elseif one and two then if math.random() > 0.5 then return one else return two end else if one then return one else return two end end elseif alloc_mode == 3 then local smallest = nil local smallest_count = 1000 for key, team in pairs(ctf.teams) do local count = ctf.count_players_in_team(key) if team.data.allow_joins ~= false and (not smallest or count < smallest_count) then smallest = key smallest_count = count end end if not smallest then ctf.error("autoalloc", "No teams to join!") else return smallest end elseif alloc_mode == 4 then return ctf.custom_alloc(name) else ctf.error("autoalloc", "Unknown allocation mode: " .. alloc_mode) end end -- Custom team allocation function. Throws error -- if unimplemented, and autoalloc mode 4 is selected function ctf.custom_alloc() error("Allocation mode set to custom while " .. "ctf.custom_alloc hasn't been overridden!") end -- updates the spawn position for a team function ctf.get_spawn(team) if ctf.team(team) then local spawn = ctf.team(team).spawn if not spawn then return nil end return vector.add(spawn, minetest.string_to_pos(ctf.setting("spawn_offset"))) else return nil end end function ctf.move_to_spawn(name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local tplayer = ctf.player(name) if ctf.team(tplayer.team) then local spawn = ctf.get_spawn(tplayer.team) if spawn then player:move_to(spawn, false) return true end end return false end minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(function(player) if not player then return false end return ctf.move_to_spawn(player:get_player_name()) end) function ctf.get_territory_owner(pos) local largest = nil local largest_weight = 0 for i = 1, #ctf.registered_on_territory_query do local team, weight = ctf.registered_on_territory_query[i](pos) if team and weight then if weight == -1 then return team end if weight > largest_weight then largest = team largest_weight = weight end end end return largest end minetest.register_on_newplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() local team = ctf.autoalloc(name) if team then ctf.log("autoalloc", name .. " was allocated to " .. team) ctf.join(name, team) ctf.move_to_spawn(player:get_player_name()) end end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) if not ctf.setting("autoalloc_on_joinplayer") then return end local name = player:get_player_name() if ctf.team(ctf.player(name).team) then return end local team = ctf.autoalloc(name) if team then ctf.log("autoalloc", name .. " was allocated to " .. team) ctf.join(name, team) ctf.move_to_spawn(player:get_player_name()) end end) -- Disable friendly fire. ctf.registered_on_killedplayer = {} function ctf.register_on_killedplayer(func) if ctf._mt_loaded then error("You can't register callbacks at game time!") end table.insert(ctf.registered_on_killedplayer, func) end local dead_players = {} minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(function(player) dead_players[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) dead_players[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) minetest.register_on_punchplayer(function(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir, damage) if player and hitter then local pname = player:get_player_name() local hname = hitter:get_player_name() local to = ctf.player(pname) local from = ctf.player(hname) if dead_players[pname] then return end if to.team == from.team and to.team ~= "" and to.team ~= nil and to.name ~= from.name then minetest.chat_send_player(hname, pname .. " is on your team!") if not ctf.setting("friendly_fire") then return true end end local hp = player:get_hp() if hp == 0 then return false end if hp - damage <= 0 then dead_players[pname] = true local wielded = hitter:get_wielded_item() for i = 1, #ctf.registered_on_killedplayer do ctf.registered_on_killedplayer[i](pname, hname, wielded, tool_capabilities) end return false end end end)