function ctf_classes.register(cname, def) assert(not ctf_classes.__classes[cname]) = cname ctf_classes.__classes[cname] = def table.insert(ctf_classes.__classes_ordered, def) def.max_hp = def.max_hp or 20 def.speed = def.speed or 1 def.pros = def.pros or {} def.cons = def.cons or {} end function ctf_classes.set_skin(player, color, class) player:set_properties({ textures = {"ctf_classes_skins_" .. .. "_" .. (color or "blue") .. ".png"} }) end function ctf_classes.get(player) if type(player) == "string" then player = minetest.get_player_by_name(player) end local cname = player:get_meta():get("ctf_classes:class") or "knight" return ctf_classes.__classes[cname] end function ctf_classes.set(player, cname) assert(type(cname) == "string") local class = ctf_classes.__classes[cname] assert(class) local meta = player:get_meta() local old = meta:get("ctf_classes:class") meta:set_string("ctf_classes:class", cname) ctf_classes.update(player) if old ~= nil and old ~= cname then local pname = player:get_player_name() ctf.chat_send_team(ctf.player(pname).team, minetest.colorize("#ABCDEF", pname .. " is now a " .. class.description)) end end local function set_max_hp(player, max_hp) local cur_hp = player:get_hp() local new_hp = cur_hp + max_hp - player:get_properties().hp_max player:set_properties({ hp_max = max_hp }) assert(new_hp <= max_hp) if cur_hp > max_hp then player:set_hp(max_hp) elseif new_hp > cur_hp then player:set_hp(new_hp) end end function ctf_classes.update(player) local class = ctf_classes.get(player) local color, _ = ctf_colors.get_color(ctf.player(player:get_player_name())) set_max_hp(player, class.max_hp) ctf_classes.set_skin(player, color, class) physics.set(player:get_player_name(), "ctf_classes:speed", { speed = class.speed, }) end local function sqdist(a, b) local x = a.x - b.x local y = a.y - b.y local z = a.z - b.z return x*x + y*y + z*z end local function get_flag_pos(player) local tplayer = ctf.player(player:get_player_name()) if not tplayer or not then return nil end local team = if team and team.flags[1] then return[1]) end return nil end function ctf_classes.can_change(player) local flag_pos = get_flag_pos(player) if not flag_pos then return false end return sqdist(player:get_pos(), flag_pos) < 25 end