-- Formspec element that governs table columns and their attributes local tablecolumns = { "tablecolumns[color;", "text;", "text,width=20;", "text,width=4;", "text,width=4;", "text,width=4;", "text,width=6;", "text,width=6;", "text,width=6;", "text,width=6]" } tablecolumns = table.concat(tablecolumns, "") local function render_team_stats(red, blue, stat, round) local red_stat, blue_stat = red[stat], blue[stat] if round then red_stat = math.floor(red_stat * 10) / 10 blue_stat = math.floor(blue_stat * 10) / 10 end return red_stat + blue_stat .. " (" .. minetest.colorize(red.color, tostring(red_stat)) .. " - " .. minetest.colorize(blue.color, tostring(blue_stat)) .. ")" end function ctf_stats.get_formspec_match_summary(stats, winner_team, winner_player, time) local players = {} local red = { color = ctf.flag_colors.red:gsub("0x", "#"), kills = 0, attempts = 0, score = 0, } local blue = { color = ctf.flag_colors.blue:gsub("0x", "#"), kills = 0, attempts = 0, score = 0, } for name, pstat in pairs(stats.red) do pstat.name = name pstat.color = ctf.flag_colors.red table.insert(players, pstat) red.kills = red.kills + pstat.kills red.attempts = red.attempts + pstat.attempts red.score = red.score + pstat.score end for name, pstat in pairs(stats.blue) do pstat.name = name pstat.color = ctf.flag_colors.blue table.insert(players, pstat) blue.kills = blue.kills + pstat.kills blue.attempts = blue.attempts + pstat.attempts blue.score = blue.score + pstat.score end local match_length = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", math.floor(time / 3600), -- hours math.floor((time % 3600) / 60), -- minutes math.floor(time % 60)) -- seconds local ret = ctf_stats.get_formspec("Match Summary", players, 1) if stats[winner_team] then local winner_color = ctf.flag_colors[winner_team]:gsub("0x", "#") ret = ret .. "item_image[0,0;1,1;ctf_flag:flag_top_"..winner_team.."]" ret = ret .. "label[1,0;" .. minetest.colorize(winner_color, "TEAM " .. winner_team:upper() .. " WON!") .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[1,0.5;Flag captured by " .. minetest.colorize(winner_color, winner_player) .. "]" else ret = ret .. "label[1,0;NO WINNER]" end ret = ret .. "label[6.5,0;Kills]" ret = ret .. "label[8,0;" .. render_team_stats(red, blue, "kills") .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[6.5,0.5;Attempts]" ret = ret .. "label[8,0.5;" .. render_team_stats(red, blue, "attempts") .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[10.5,0;Duration]" ret = ret .. "label[12,0;" .. match_length .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[10.5,0.5;Total score]" ret = ret .. "label[12,0.5;" .. render_team_stats(red, blue, "score", true) .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[2,7.75;Tip: type /rankings for league tables]" return ret end function ctf_stats.get_formspec(title, players, header, hlt_name) table.sort(players, function(one, two) return one.score > two.score end) local ret = "size[14," .. 7 + header .. "]" ret = ret .. default.gui_bg .. default.gui_bg_img ret = ret .. "container[0," .. header .. "]" ret = ret .. "vertlabel[0,1;" .. title .. "]" ret = ret .. tablecolumns ret = ret .. "tableoptions[highlight=#00000000]" ret = ret .. "table[0.5,0;13.25,6.1;scores;" ret = ret .. "#ffffff,,Player,Kills,Deaths,K/D,Bounty Kills,Captures,Attempts,Score" local player_in_top_50 = false for i = 1, math.min(#players, 50) do local pstat = players[i] local color if hlt_name and pstat.name == hlt_name then color = "#ffff00" player_in_top_50 = true else color = pstat.color or "#ffffff" end local kd = pstat.kills if pstat.deaths > 1 then kd = kd / pstat.deaths end ret = ret .. "," .. string.gsub(color, "0x", "#") .. "," .. i .. "," .. pstat.name .. "," .. pstat.kills .. "," .. pstat.deaths .. "," .. math.floor(kd * 10) / 10 .. "," .. pstat.bounty_kills .. "," .. pstat.captures .. "," .. pstat.attempts .. "," .. math.floor(pstat.score * 10) / 10 end ret = ret .. ";-1]" -- If hlt_name not in top 50, add a separate table -- This would result in the player's score displayed at the bottom -- of the list but yet be visible without having to scroll if hlt_name and not player_in_top_50 then local hlt_player, hlt_rank, hlt_kd for i = 1, #players do if players[i].name == hlt_name then hlt_player = players[i] hlt_rank = i break end end if hlt_player then hlt_kd = hlt_player.kills if hlt_player.deaths > 1 then hlt_kd = hlt_kd / hlt_player.deaths end ret = ret .. tablecolumns ret = ret .. "tableoptions[highlight=#00000000]" ret = ret .. "table[0.5,6.1;13.25,0.4;hlt_score;" ret = ret .. "#ffff00" .. "," .. hlt_rank .. "," .. hlt_player.name .. "," .. hlt_player.kills .. "," .. hlt_player.deaths .. "," .. math.floor(hlt_kd * 10) / 10 .. "," .. hlt_player.bounty_kills .. "," .. hlt_player.captures .. "," .. hlt_player.attempts .. "," .. math.floor(hlt_player.score * 10) / 10 .. ";-1]" end -- else -- ret = ret .. "box[0.5,6.1;13.25,0.4;#101010]" -- Adds a box where the extra table should be, in order to make it -- appear as an extension of the main table, but the color can't be -- matched, and looks slightly brighter or slightly darker than the table end ret = ret .. "button_exit[10,6.5;3,1;close;Close]" ret = ret .. "container_end[]" return ret end function ctf_stats.get_html(title, players) table.sort(players, function(one, two) return one.score > two.score end) local ret = "

" .. title .. "

" ret = ret .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" for i = 1, math.min(#players, 50) do local pstat = players[i] local kd = pstat.kills if pstat.deaths > 1 then kd = kd / pstat.deaths end ret = ret .. "" end ret = ret .. "
PlayerKillsDeathsK/D ratioBounty killsCapturesAttemptsScore
" .. i .. "" .. pstat.name .. "" .. pstat.kills .. "" .. pstat.deaths .. "" .. math.floor(kd * 10) / 10 .. "" .. pstat.bounty_kills .. "" .. pstat.captures .. "" .. pstat.attempts .. "" .. math.floor(pstat.score*10)/10 .. "
\n" return ret end function ctf_stats.html_to_file(filepath) local players = {} for name, pstat in pairs(ctf_stats.players) do pstat.name = name pstat.color = nil table.insert(players, pstat) end local html = ctf_stats.get_html("Player Rankings", players) local f = io.open(filepath, "w") f:write("\n") f:write("\n") f:write("\n") f:write("Player Rankings\n") f:write("\n") f:write("\n") f:write(html) f:write("\n") f:close() end local function return_as_chat_result(to, name) local players = {} for pname, pstat in pairs(ctf_stats.players) do pstat.name = pname pstat.color = nil table.insert(players, pstat) end table.sort(players, function(one, two) return one.score > two.score end) local place = -1 local me = nil for i = 1, #players do local pstat = players[i] if pstat.name == name then me = pstat place = i break end end if place < 1 then place = #players + 1 end local you_are_in = (to == name) and "You are in " or name .. " is in " local result = you_are_in .. place .. " place.\n" if me then local kd = me.kills if me.deaths > 1 then kd = kd / me.deaths end result = result .. "Kills: " .. me.kills .. " | Deaths: " .. me.deaths .. " | K/D: " .. math.floor(kd * 10) / 10 .. "\nBounty kills: " .. me.bounty_kills .. " | Captures: " .. me.captures .. " | Attempts: " .. me.attempts .. "\nScore: " .. math.floor(me.score) end return true, result end minetest.register_chatcommand("r", { params = "[]", description = "Display rankings of yourself or another player as a chat result.", func = function(name, param) local target if param ~= "" then param = param:trim() if ctf_stats.players[param] then target = param else return false, "Can't find player '" .. param .. "'" end else target = name end return return_as_chat_result(name, target) end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("rankings", { params = "[]", description = "Display rankings of yourself or another player.", func = function(name, param) local target if param ~= "" then param = param:trim() if ctf_stats.players[param] then target = param else return false, "Can't find player '" .. param .. "'" end else target = name end if not minetest.get_player_by_name(name) then return return_as_chat_result(name, target) else local players = {} for pname, pstat in pairs(ctf_stats.players) do pstat.name = pname pstat.color = nil table.insert(players, pstat) end local fs = ctf_stats.get_formspec("Player Rankings", players, 0, target) minetest.show_formspec(name, "ctf_stats:rankings", fs) end end }) local reset_y = {} minetest.register_chatcommand("reset_rankings", { params = "[]", description = "Reset the rankings of yourself or another player", func = function(name, param) param = param:trim() if param ~= "" and not minetest.check_player_privs(name, {ctf_admin = true}) then return false, "Missing privilege: ctf_admin" end local reset_name = param == "" and name or param if not ctf_stats.players[reset_name] then return false, "Player '" .. reset_name .. "' does not exist." end if reset_name == name and not reset_y[name] then reset_y[name] = true minetest.after(30, function() reset_y[name] = nil end) return true, "This will reset your stats and rankings completely." .. " You will lose access to any special privileges such as the" .. " team chest or userlimit skip. This is irreversable. If you're" .. " sure, re-type /reset_rankings within 30 seconds to reset." end reset_y[name] = nil ctf_stats.players[reset_name] = nil ctf_stats.player(reset_name) ctf.needs_save = true return true, "Successfully reset the stats and ranking of " .. reset_name end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("transfer_rankings", { params = " ", description = "Transfer rankings of one player to another.", privs = {ctf_admin = true}, func = function(name, param) if not param then return false, "Invalid syntax. Provide source and destination player names." end param = param:trim() local src, dest = param:trim():match("([%a%d_-]+) ([%a%d_-]+)") if not src or not dest then return false, "Invalid usage, see /help transfer_rankings" end if not ctf_stats.players[src] then return false, "Player '" .. src .. "' does not exist." end if not ctf_stats.players[dest] then return false, "Player '" .. dest .. "' does not exist." end ctf_stats.players[dest] = ctf_stats.players[src] ctf_stats.players[src] = nil ctf.needs_save = true return true, "Stats of '" .. src .. "' have been transferred to '" .. dest .. "'." end })