--[[ RandomMessages mod by arsdragonfly. arsdragonfly@gmail.com 6/19/2013 --]] --Time between two subsequent messages. local MESSAGE_INTERVAL = 0 math.randomseed(os.time()) random_messages = {} random_messages.messages = {} --This table contains all messages. function table.count( t ) -- luacheck: ignore local i = 0 for k in pairs( t ) do i = i + 1 end return i end function table.random( t ) -- luacheck: ignore local rk = math.random( 1, table.count( t ) ) local i = 1 for k, v in pairs( t ) do if ( i == rk ) then return v, k end i = i + 1 end end function random_messages.initialize() --Set the interval in minetest.conf. minetest.settings:set("random_messages_interval", 60) minetest.settings:write(); return 60 end function random_messages.set_interval() --Read the interval from minetest.conf and set it if it doesn't exist MESSAGE_INTERVAL = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("random_messages_interval")) or random_messages.initialize() end function random_messages.check_params(name,func,params) local stat, msg = func(params) if not stat then minetest.chat_send_player(name,msg) return false end return true end function random_messages.read_messages() random_messages.messages = { "To talk to only your team, start your messages with /t. For example, /t Hello team!", "Use medkits to gradually restore your health.", "Moving or fighting while using medkits will interrupt the healing process.", "Knights have a slight damage bonus (up to 1.5 hp) when attacking with swords.", "Gain more score by killing enemies, healing teammates as a medic, or by capturing the flag.", "You gain more score the better the opponent you defeat.", "Find weapons in chests or mine and use furnaces to make stronger swords.", "Players are immune to attack for 5 seconds after they respawn.", "Access the pro section of the chest by achieving a 10k+ score and either killing 3 people for every 2 deaths and capturing the flag 10 times or killing as many people as you die, capturing the flag on every 3rd attempt and at least 30 times.", "Use team doors (steel) to stop the enemy walking into your base.", "Craft 6 cobbles and 1 steel ingot together to make reinforced cobble.", "Sprint by pressing the fast key (E) when you have stamina.", "Like CTF? Give feedback using /report, and consider joining the Discord", "Want to submit your own map? Visit ctf.rubenwardy.com to get involved.", "Using limited resources for building structures that don't strengthen your base's defences is discouraged.", "To report misbehaving players to moderators, please use /report ", "Swearing, trolling and being rude will not be tolerated and strict action will be taken.", "Trapping team mates on purpose is strictly against the rules and you will be kicked immediately.", "Help your team claim victory by storing extra weapons in the team chest, and never taking more than you need.", "Excessive spawn-killing is a direct violation of the rules - appropriate punishments will be given.", "Use /r to check your score and rank, and /rankings to see the league tables.", "Use /r or /rn to check the rankings of the player in the given rank.", "Use bandages on team-mates to heal them by 3-4 HP if their health is below 15 HP.", "Use /m to add a team marker at pointed location, that's visible only to team-mates.", "Use /mr to remove your marker.", "Use /summary or /s to check scores of the current match and the previous match.", "Use /maps to view the maps catalog. It also contains license info and attribution details.", "Change your class in your base by right clicking the home flag or typing /class.", "Medics cause troops within 10 metres to regenerate health faster.", "Hitting your enemy does more damage than not hitting them.", "Press right mouse button or double-tap the screen to activate scope while wielding a sniper rifle.", "Medics can dig pillars by right clicking the base of one with their paxel.", "Use `/help all` to see all available commands.", } end function random_messages.display_message(message_number) local msg = random_messages.messages[message_number] or message_number if msg then minetest.chat_send_all(minetest.colorize("#808080", msg)) end end function random_messages.show_message() random_messages.display_message(table.random(random_messages.messages)) end function random_messages.list_messages() local str = "" for k,v in pairs(random_messages.messages) do str = str .. k .. " | " .. v .. "\n" end return str end function random_messages.remove_message(k) table.remove(random_messages.messages,k) random_messages.save_messages() end function random_messages.add_message(t) table.insert(random_messages.messages,table.concat(t," ",2)) random_messages.save_messages() end function random_messages.save_messages() local output = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath().."/random_messages","w") for k,v in pairs(random_messages.messages) do output:write(v .. "\n") end io.close(output) end --When server starts: random_messages.set_interval() random_messages.read_messages() local function step(dtime) random_messages.show_message() minetest.after(MESSAGE_INTERVAL, step) end minetest.after(MESSAGE_INTERVAL, step) local register_chatcommand_table = { params = "viewmessages | removemessage | addmessage ", privs = {server = true}, description = "View and/or alter the server's random messages", func = function(name,param) local t = string.split(param, " ") if t[1] == "viewmessages" then minetest.chat_send_player(name,random_messages.list_messages()) elseif t[1] == "removemessage" then if not random_messages.check_params( name, function (params) if not tonumber(params[2]) or random_messages.messages[tonumber(params[2])] == nil then return false,"ERROR: No such message." end return true end, t) then return end random_messages.remove_message(t[2]) elseif t[1] == "addmessage" then if not t[2] then minetest.chat_send_player(name,"ERROR: No message.") else random_messages.add_message(t) end else minetest.chat_send_player(name,"ERROR: Invalid command.") end end } minetest.register_chatcommand("random_messages", register_chatcommand_table) minetest.register_chatcommand("rmessages", register_chatcommand_table)