ctf_stats = {} local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() local data_to_persist = { "matches", "players" } function ctf_stats.load_legacy() local file = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/ctf_stats.txt", "r") if not file then return false end local table = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*all")) file:close() if type(table) ~= "table" then return false end ctf.log("ctf_stats", "Migrating stats...") ctf_stats.matches = table.matches ctf_stats.players = table.players for name, player_stats in pairs(ctf_stats.players) do if not player_stats.score or player_stats.score < 0 then player_stats.score = 0 end if player_stats.score > 300 then player_stats.score = (player_stats.score - 300) / 30 + 300 end if player_stats.score > 800 then player_stats.score = 800 end player_stats.wins = player_stats.wins or {} if player_stats.blue_wins then player_stats.wins.blue = player_stats.blue_wins player_stats.blue_wins = nil end if player_stats.red_wins then player_stats.wins.red = player_stats.red_wins player_stats.red_wins = nil end player_stats.wins.blue = player_stats.wins.blue or 0 player_stats.wins.red = player_stats.wins.red or 0 end ctf_stats.matches.wins = ctf_stats.matches.wins or { red = ctf_stats.matches.red_wins or 0, blue = ctf_stats.matches.blue_wins or 0, } ctf.needs_save = true os.remove(minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/ctf_stats.txt") return true end function ctf_stats.load() if not ctf_stats.load_legacy() then for _, key in pairs(data_to_persist) do ctf_stats[key] = minetest.parse_json(storage:get_string(key)) end ctf.needs_save = true end -- Make sure all tables are present ctf_stats.players = ctf_stats.players or {} ctf_stats.matches = ctf_stats.matches or { wins = { blue = 0, red = 0, }, skipped = 0, } ctf_stats.current = ctf_stats.current or { red = {}, blue = {} } -- Strip players which have no score for name, player_stats in pairs(ctf_stats.players) do if not player_stats.score or player_stats.score <= 0 then ctf_stats.players[name] = nil ctf.needs_save = true end end end ctf.register_on_save(function() for _, key in pairs(data_to_persist) do storage:set_string(key, minetest.write_json(ctf_stats[key])) end return nil end) function ctf_stats.player_or_nil(name) return ctf_stats.players[name], ctf_stats.current.red[name] or ctf_stats.current.blue[name] end -- Returns a tuple: `player_stats`, `match_player_stats` function ctf_stats.player(name) local player_stats = ctf_stats.players[name] if not player_stats then player_stats = { name = name, wins = { red = 0, blue = 0, }, kills = 0, deaths = 0, captures = 0, attempts = 0, score = 0, } ctf_stats.players[name] = player_stats end local match_player_stats = ctf_stats.current.red[name] or ctf_stats.current.blue[name] return player_stats, match_player_stats end ctf.register_on_join_team(function(name, tname) ctf_stats.current[tname][name] = ctf_stats.current[tname][name] or { kills = 0, kills_since_death = 0, deaths = 0, attempts = 0, captures = 0, score = 0, } end) ctf_match.register_on_skip_map(function() ctf.needs_save = true ctf_stats.matches.skipped = ctf_stats.matches.skipped + 1 end) ctf_flag.register_on_capture(function(name, flag) local main, match = ctf_stats.player(name) if main and match then main.captures = main.captures + 1 main.score = main.score + 25 match.captures = match.captures + 1 match.score = match.score + 25 ctf.needs_save = true end end) ctf_match.register_on_winner(function(winner) ctf.needs_save = true ctf_stats.matches.wins[winner] = ctf_stats.matches.wins[winner] + 1 end) ctf_match.register_on_new_match(function() local fs = ctf_stats.get_formspec_match_summary(ctf_stats.current) local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for _, player in pairs(players) do minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(), "ctf_stats:eom", fs) end ctf_stats.current = { red = {}, blue = {} } ctf.needs_save = true end) ctf_flag.register_on_pick_up(function(name, flag) local main, match = ctf_stats.player(name) if main and match then main.attempts = main.attempts + 1 main.score = main.score + 5 match.attempts = match.attempts + 1 match.score = match.score + 10 ctf.needs_save = true end end) ctf_flag.register_on_precapture(function(name, flag) local tplayer = ctf.player(name) local main, match = ctf_stats.player(name) if main then main.wins[tplayer.team] = main.wins[tplayer.team] + 1 ctf.needs_save = true end return true end) -- good_weapons now includes all mese and diamond implements, and swords of steel and better local good_weapons = { "default:sword_steel", "default:sword_bronze", "default:sword_mese", "default:sword_diamond", "default:pick_mese" "default:pick_diamond" "default:axe_mese" "default:axe_diamond" "default:shovel_mese" "default:shovel_diamond" "shooter:grenade", "shooter:shotgun", "shooter:rifle", "shooter:machine_gun", } local function invHasGoodWeapons(inv) for _, weapon in pairs(good_weapons) do if inv:contains_item("main", weapon) then return true end end return false end local function calculateKillReward(victim, killer) local vmain, victim_match = ctf_stats.player(victim) -- +5 for every kill they've made since last death in this match. local reward = victim_match.kills_since_death * 5 ctf.log("ctf_stats", "Player " .. victim .. " has made " .. reward .. " score worth of kills since last death") -- 30 * K/D ratio, with variable based on player's score local kdreward = 30 * vmain.kills / (vmain.deaths + 1) local max = vmain.score / 6 if kdreward > max then kdreward = max end if kdreward > 80 then kdreward = 80 end reward = reward + kdreward -- Limited to 0 <= X <= 200 if reward > 200 then reward = 200 elseif reward < 14 then reward = 14 end -- Half if no good weapons local inv = minetest.get_inventory({ type="player", name = victim }) if not invHasGoodWeapons(inv) then ctf.log("ctf_stats", "Player " .. victim .. " has no good weapons") reward = reward * 0.5 else ctf.log("ctf_stats", "Player " .. victim .. " has good weapons") end return reward end ctf.register_on_killedplayer(function(victim, killer) local main, match = ctf_stats.player(killer) if main and match then local reward = calculateKillReward(victim, killer) main.kills = main.kills + 1 main.score = main.score + reward match.kills = match.kills + 1 match.score = match.score + reward match.kills_since_death = match.kills_since_death + 1 ctf.needs_save = true end end) minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player) local main, match = ctf_stats.player(player:get_player_name()) if main and match then main.deaths = main.deaths + 1 match.deaths = match.deaths + 1 match.kills_since_death = 0 ctf.needs_save = true end end) ctf_stats.load() dofile(minetest.get_modpath("ctf_stats").."/gui.lua")