local function regen_update() local get = ctf_classes.get local players = minetest.get_connected_players() local medic_by_team = { red = {}, blue = {} } local tnames = {} local found_medic = false -- First get medic positions and team names for i=1, #players do local player = players[i] local pname = player:get_player_name() local class = get(player) local tname = ctf.player(pname).team tnames[pname] = tname if class.properties.nearby_hpregen then if tname then medic_by_team[tname][#medic_by_team[tname] + 1] = player:get_pos() found_medic = true end end end if not found_medic then return end -- Next, update hp local function sqdist(a, b) local x = a.x - b.x local y = a.y - b.y local z = a.z - b.z return x*x + y*y + z*z end for i=1, #players do local player = players[i] local pname = player:get_player_name() local tname = tnames[pname] local hp = player:get_hp() local max_hp = player:get_properties().hp_max if tname and hp ~= max_hp and hp > 0 then local pos = player:get_pos() local medics = medic_by_team[tname] for j=1, #medics do if sqdist(pos, medics[j]) < 100 then hp = hp + hpregen.amount player:set_hp(hp) break end end end end end local update = hpregen.interval / 2 minetest.register_globalstep(function(delta) update = update + delta if update < hpregen.interval then return end update = update - hpregen.interval regen_update() end) local dont_heal = {} minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change, reason) local name = player:get_player_name() if reason.type == "drown" or reason.type == "node_damage" then dont_heal[name] = true elseif dont_heal[name] then dont_heal[name] = nil end end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) dont_heal[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) local bandage_on_use = minetest.registered_items["ctf_bandages:bandage"].on_use minetest.override_item("ctf_bandages:bandage", { on_use = function(stack, user, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing.type ~= "object" then return end local object = pointed_thing.ref if not object:is_player() then return end local pname = object:get_player_name() local name = user:get_player_name() if ctf.player(pname).team == ctf.player(name).team then local nodename = minetest.get_node(object:get_pos()).name if dont_heal[pname] or nodename:find("lava") or nodename:find("water") or nodename:find("spike") then return -- Can't heal players in lava/water/spikes end local hp = object:get_hp() local limit = ctf_bandages.heal_percent * object:get_properties().hp_max if hp > 0 and hp < limit and ctf_classes.get(user).name == "medic" then local main, match = ctf_stats.player(name) if main and match then local reward = 3 if ctf_flag.has_flag(pname) then reward = 6 end main.score = main.score + reward match.score = match.score + reward hud_score.new(name, { name = "ctf_classes:medic_heal", color = "0x00FF00", value = reward }) ctf_stats.request_save() end end end return bandage_on_use(stack, user, pointed_thing) end })