local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() local prev_match_summary = storage:get_string("prev_match_summary") local function render_per_team_stats(red, blue, stat, round) local red_stat, blue_stat = red[stat], blue[stat] if round then red_stat = math.floor(red_stat*10)/10 blue_stat = math.floor(blue_stat*10)/10 end return red_stat+blue_stat .. " (" .. minetest.colorize(red.color, tostring(red_stat)) .. " - " .. minetest.colorize(blue.color, tostring(blue_stat)) .. ")" end function ctf_stats.get_formspec_match_summary(stats, winner_team, winner_player, time) local players = {} local red = { color = ctf.flag_colors.red:gsub("0x", "#"), kills = 0, attempts = 0, score = 0, } local blue = { color = ctf.flag_colors.blue:gsub("0x", "#"), kills = 0, attempts = 0, score = 0, } for name, pstat in pairs(stats.red) do pstat.name = name pstat.color = ctf.flag_colors.red table.insert(players, pstat) red.kills = red.kills + pstat.kills red.attempts = red.attempts + pstat.attempts red.score = red.score + pstat.score end for name, pstat in pairs(stats.blue) do pstat.name = name pstat.color = ctf.flag_colors.blue table.insert(players, pstat) blue.kills = blue.kills + pstat.kills blue.attempts = blue.attempts + pstat.attempts blue.score = blue.score + pstat.score end local match_length = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", math.floor(time / 3600), -- hours math.floor((time % 3600) / 60), -- minutes math.floor(time % 60)) -- seconds local ret = ctf_stats.get_formspec("Match Summary", players, 1) if stats[winner_team] then local winner_color = ctf.flag_colors[winner_team]:gsub("0x", "#") ret = ret .. "item_image[0,0;1,1;ctf_flag:flag_top_"..winner_team.."]" ret = ret .. "label[1,0;" .. minetest.colorize(winner_color, "TEAM " .. winner_team:upper() .. " WON!") .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[1,0.5;Flag captured by " .. winner_player .. "]" else ret = ret .. "label[1,0;NO WINNER]" end ret = ret .. "label[6.5,0;Kills]" ret = ret .. "label[8,0;" .. render_per_team_stats(red, blue, "kills") .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[6.5,0.5;Attempts]" ret = ret .. "label[8,0.5;" .. render_per_team_stats(red, blue, "attempts") .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[9.5,0;Duration]" ret = ret .. "label[11,0;" .. match_length .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[9.5,0.5;Total score]" ret = ret .. "label[11,0.5;" .. render_per_team_stats(red, blue, "score", true) .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[3.5,7.2;Tip: type /rankings for league tables]" -- Set prev_match_summary and write to mod_storage prev_match_summary = ret storage:set_string("prev_match_summary", ret) return ret end function ctf_stats.get_formspec(title, players, header, hlt_name) table.sort(players, function(one, two) return one.score > two.score end) local ret = "size[13,"..6.5+header.."]" ret = ret .. default.gui_bg .. default.gui_bg_img ret = ret .. "container[0," .. header .. "]" ret = ret .. "vertlabel[0,0;" .. title .. "]" ret = ret .. "tablecolumns[color;text;text;text;text;text;text;text;text;text]" ret = ret .. "tableoptions[highlight=#00000000]" ret = ret .. "table[0.5,0;12.25,6;scores;" ret = ret .. "#ffffff,,Player,Kills,Deaths,K/D ratio,Bounty kills,Captures,Attempts,Score" local player_in_top_50 = false for i = 1, math.min(#players, 50) do local pstat = players[i] local color if hlt_name and pstat.name == hlt_name then color = "#ffff00" player_in_top_50 = true else color = pstat.color or "#ffffff" end local kd = pstat.kills if pstat.deaths > 1 then kd = kd / pstat.deaths end ret = ret .. "," .. string.gsub(color, "0x", "#") .. "," .. i .. "," .. pstat.name .. "," .. pstat.kills .. "," .. pstat.deaths .. "," .. math.floor(kd * 10) / 10 .. "," .. pstat.bounty_kills .. "," .. pstat.captures .. "," .. pstat.attempts .. "," .. math.floor(pstat.score * 10) / 10 end if hlt_name and not player_in_top_50 then local hlt_player, hlt_rank, hlt_kd for i = 1, #players do if players[i].name == hlt_name then hlt_player = players[i] hlt_rank = i break end end hlt_kd = hlt_player.kills if hlt_player.deaths > 1 then hlt_kd = hlt_kd / hlt_player.deaths end ret = ret .. "," .. "#ffff00" .. "," .. hlt_rank .. "," .. hlt_player.name .. "," .. hlt_player.kills .. "," .. hlt_player.deaths .. "," .. math.floor(hlt_kd * 10) / 10 .. "," .. hlt_player.bounty_kills .. "," .. hlt_player.captures .. "," .. hlt_player.attempts .. "," .. math.floor(hlt_player.score * 10) / 10 end ret = ret .. ";-1]" ret = ret .. "button_exit[0.5,6;3,1;close;Close]" ret = ret .. "container_end[]" return ret end function ctf_stats.get_html(title, players) table.sort(players, function(one, two) return one.score > two.score end) local ret = "

" .. title .. "

" ret = ret .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" for i = 1, math.min(#players, 50) do local pstat = players[i] local kd = pstat.kills if pstat.deaths > 1 then kd = kd / pstat.deaths end ret = ret .. "" end ret = ret .. "
PlayerKillsDeathsK/D ratioBounty killsCapturesAttemptsScore
" .. i .. "" .. pstat.name .. "" .. pstat.kills .. "" .. pstat.deaths .. "" .. math.floor(kd * 10) / 10 .. "" .. pstat.bounty_kills .. "" .. pstat.captures .. "" .. pstat.attempts .. "" .. math.floor(pstat.score*10)/10 .. "
\n" return ret end function ctf_stats.html_to_file(filepath) local players = {} for name, pstat in pairs(ctf_stats.players) do pstat.name = name pstat.color = nil table.insert(players, pstat) end local html = ctf_stats.get_html("Player Rankings", players) local f = io.open(filepath, "w") f:write("\n") f:write("\n") f:write("\n") f:write("Player Rankings\n") f:write("\n") f:write("\n") f:write(html) f:write("\n") f:close() end local function send_as_chat_result(to, name) local players = {} for pname, pstat in pairs(ctf_stats.players) do pstat.name = pname pstat.color = nil table.insert(players, pstat) end table.sort(players, function(one, two) return one.score > two.score end) local place = -1 local me = nil for i = 1, #players do local pstat = players[i] if pstat.name == name then me = pstat place = i break end end if place < 1 then place = #players + 1 end local you_are_in = (to == name) and "You are in " or name .. " is in " local result = you_are_in .. place .. " place." if me then local kd = me.kills if me.deaths > 1 then kd = kd / me.deaths end result = result .. "Kills: " .. me.kills .. " | Deaths: " .. me.deaths .. " | K/D: " .. math.floor(kd * 10) / 10 .. " | Bounty kills: " .. me.bounty_kills .. " | Captures: " .. me.captures .. " | Attempts: " .. me.attempts .. " | Score: " .. math.floor(me.score) end return true, result end minetest.register_chatcommand("rankings", { params = "[]", description = "Display rankings of yourself or another player.", func = function(name, param) local target if param ~= "" then param = param:trim() if ctf_stats.players[param] then target = param else return false, "Can't find player '" .. param .. "'" end else target = name end if not minetest.get_player_by_name(name) then send_as_chat_result(name, target) else local players = {} for pname, pstat in pairs(ctf_stats.players) do pstat.name = pname pstat.color = nil table.insert(players, pstat) end local fs = ctf_stats.get_formspec("Player Rankings", players, 0, target) minetest.show_formspec(name, "ctf_stats:rankings", fs) end end }) local reset_y = {} minetest.register_chatcommand("reset_rankings", { params = "[]", description = "Reset the rankings of yourself or another player", func = function(name, param) param = param:trim() if param ~= "" and not minetest.check_player_privs(name, { ctf_admin = true}) then return false, "Missing privilege: ctf_admin" end local reset_name = param == "" and name or param if reset_name == name and not reset_y[name] then reset_y[name] = true return true, "This will reset your stats and rankings completely. You will lose access to any special privileges such as the team chest or userlimit skip. This is irreversable. If you're sure, type /reset_rankings again to perform the reset" end reset_y[name] = nil ctf_stats.players[name] = nil ctf_stats.player(reset_name) return true, "Successfully reset the stats and ranking of " .. reset_name end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("transfer_rankings", { params = " ", description = "Transfer rankings of one player to another.", privs = {ctf_admin = true}, func = function(name, param) if not param then return false, "Invalid syntax. Provide source and destination player names." end param = param:trim() local src, dest = param:trim():match("([%a%d_-]+) ([%a%d_-]+)") if not src or not dest then return false, "Invalid usage, see /help transfer_rankings" end if not ctf_stats.players[src] then return false, "Player '" .. src .. "' does not exist." end if not ctf_stats.players[dest] then return false, "Player '" .. dest .. "' does not exist." end ctf_stats.players[dest] = ctf_stats.players[src] ctf_stats.players[src] = nil ctf.needs_save = true return true, "Stats of '" .. src .. "' have been transferred to '" .. dest .. "'." end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("summary", { description = "Display the scoreboard of the previous match.", func = function (name, param) if not prev_match_summary then return false, "Couldn't find the requested data." end minetest.show_formspec(name, "ctf_stats:prev_match_summary", prev_match_summary) end })