ctf.register_on_init(function() ctf._set("match", false) ctf._set("match.destroy_team", false) ctf._set("match.break_alliances", true) ctf._set("match.teams", 2) ctf._set("match.team.1", "red") ctf._set("match.team.1.color", "red") ctf._set("match.team.1.pos", "7,65,93") ctf._set("match.team.2", "blue") ctf._set("match.team.2.color", "blue") ctf._set("match.team.2.pos", "-22,66,-78") ctf._set("match.clear_inv", false) end) ctf_match.registered_on_new_match = {} function ctf_match.register_on_new_match(func) if ctf._mt_loaded then error("You can't register callbacks at game time!") end table.insert(ctf_match.registered_on_new_match, func) end ctf_match.registered_on_winner = {} function ctf_match.register_on_winner(func) if ctf._mt_loaded then error("You can't register callbacks at game time!") end table.insert(ctf_match.registered_on_winner, func) end -- Load next match. May be overrided function ctf_match.next() for i = 1, #ctf_match.registered_on_new_match do ctf_match.registered_on_new_match[i]() end ctf.reset() ctf_match.create_teams() ctf_alloc.set_all() minetest.chat_send_all(minetest.colorize("#4aaf01", "Next round!")) if minetest.global_exists("chatplus") then chatplus.log("Next round!") end end -- Check for winner local game_won = false function ctf_match.check_for_winner() local winner for name, team in pairs({red = ctf.teams.red, blue = ctf.teams.blue}) do if winner then return end winner = name end -- There is a winner! if not game_won then game_won = true ctf.action("match", winner .. " won!") local winner_color = "#ffffff" if winner == "red" then winner_color = ctf_colors.colors["red"] end if winner == "blue" then winner_color = ctf_colors.colors["blue"] end winner_color = "#" .. tostring(winner_color):sub(3, 8) minetest.chat_send_all(minetest.colorize(winner_color, ("Team " .. winner .. " won!"))) for i = 1, #ctf_match.registered_on_winner do ctf_match.registered_on_winner[i](winner) end minetest.after(2, function() game_won = false if ctf.setting("match") then ctf_match.next() end end) end end -- This is overriden by ctf_map function ctf_match.create_teams() error("Error! Unimplemented") end ctf_flag.register_on_pick_up(function(name) physics.set(name, "ctf_match:flag_mult", { speed = 0.9 }) end) ctf_flag.register_on_drop(function(name) physics.remove(name, "ctf_match:flag_mult") end) ctf_flag.register_on_capture(function(attname, flag) if not ctf.setting("match.destroy_team") then return end physics.remove(attname, "ctf_match:flag_mult") local fl_team = ctf.team(flag.team) if fl_team and #fl_team.flags == 0 then ctf.action("match", flag.team .. " was defeated.") ctf.remove_team(flag.team) minetest.chat_send_all(minetest.colorize("#808080", (flag.team .. " has been defeated!"))) end ctf_match.check_for_winner() end) ctf_match.match_start_time = nil function ctf_match.get_match_duration() return ctf_match.match_start_time and (os.time() - ctf_match.match_start_time) end