-- Number of entries to display in the player rankings table ctf_stats.rankings_display_count = 50 -- Formspec element that governs table columns and their attributes local tablecolumns = { "tablecolumns[color;", "text;", "text,width=16;", "text,width=4;", "text,width=4;", "text,width=4;", "text,width=6;", "text,width=6;", "text,width=6;", "text,width=6]" } tablecolumns = table.concat(tablecolumns, "") local function render_team_stats(red, blue, stat, round) local red_stat, blue_stat = red[stat], blue[stat] if round then red_stat = math.floor(red_stat * 10) / 10 blue_stat = math.floor(blue_stat * 10) / 10 end return red_stat + blue_stat .. " (" .. minetest.colorize(red.color, tostring(red_stat)) .. " - " .. minetest.colorize(blue.color, tostring(blue_stat)) .. ")" end function ctf_stats.get_formspec_match_summary(stats, winner_team, winner_player, time) local players = {} local red = { color = ctf.flag_colors.red:gsub("0x", "#"), kills = 0, deaths = 0, attempts = 0, score = 0, } local blue = { color = ctf.flag_colors.blue:gsub("0x", "#"), kills = 0, deaths = 0, attempts = 0, score = 0, } for name, pstat in pairs(stats.red) do pstat.name = name pstat.color = ctf.flag_colors.red table.insert(players, pstat) red.kills = red.kills + pstat.kills red.deaths = red.deaths + pstat.deaths red.attempts = red.attempts + pstat.attempts red.score = red.score + pstat.score end for name, pstat in pairs(stats.blue) do pstat.name = name pstat.color = ctf.flag_colors.blue table.insert(players, pstat) blue.kills = blue.kills + pstat.kills blue.deaths = blue.deaths + pstat.deaths blue.attempts = blue.attempts + pstat.attempts blue.score = blue.score + pstat.score end local match_length = "-" if time then match_length = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", math.floor(time / 3600), -- hours math.floor((time % 3600) / 60), -- minutes math.floor(time % 60)) -- seconds end local red_kd = math.floor(red.kills / red.deaths * 10) / 10 if red.deaths <1 then red_kd = red.kills end local blue_kd = math.floor(blue.kills / blue.deaths * 10) / 10 if blue.deaths <1 then blue_kd = blue.kills end local ret = ctf_stats.get_formspec("Match Summary", players, 1) -- Winning team and flag capturer name if stats[winner_team] then local winner_color = ctf.flag_colors[winner_team]:gsub("0x", "#") ret = ret .. "item_image[0,0;1,1;ctf_flag:flag_top_"..winner_team.."]" ret = ret .. "label[1,0;" .. minetest.colorize(winner_color, "TEAM " .. winner_team:upper() .. " WON!") .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[1,0.5;Flag captured by " .. minetest.colorize(winner_color, winner_player) .. "]" else ret = ret .. "label[1,0;NO WINNER]" end -- Map name ret = ret .. "label[1,7.6;Map: " .. minetest.colorize("#EEEE00", stats.map) .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[6.5,0;Kills]" ret = ret .. "label[8,0;" .. render_team_stats(red, blue, "kills") .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[3.5,0;Team K/D]" ret = ret .. "label[5,0;" .. minetest.colorize(red.color, tostring(red_kd)) .. " - " .. " " .. minetest.colorize(blue.color, tostring(blue_kd)) .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[6.5,0.5;Attempts]" ret = ret .. "label[8,0.5;" .. render_team_stats(red, blue, "attempts") .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[9.5,0;Duration]" ret = ret .. "label[11,0;" .. match_length .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[9.5,0.5;Total score]" ret = ret .. "label[11,0.5;" .. render_team_stats(red, blue, "score", true) .. "]" ret = ret .. "label[8,7.2;Tip: type /rankings for league tables]" return ret end function ctf_stats.get_formspec(title, players, header, target) table.sort(players, function(one, two) return one.score > two.score end) local ret = "size[14," .. 7 + header .. "]" ret = ret .. "container[0," .. header .. "]" ret = ret .. "vertlabel[0,1;" .. title .. "]" ret = ret .. tablecolumns ret = ret .. "tableoptions[highlight=#00000000]" ret = ret .. "table[0.5,0;13.25,6.1;scores;" ret = ret .. "#ffffff,,Player,Kills,Deaths,K/D,Bounty Kills,Captures,Attempts,Score" local hstat, hplace if type(target) == "number" then hstat = players[target] hplace = target elseif type(target) == "string" then for i, stat in pairs(players) do if stat.name == target then hplace = i hstat = stat break end end end for i = 1, math.min(#players, ctf_stats.rankings_display_count) do local pstat = players[i] local color if hplace == i then color = "#ffff00" else color = pstat.color or "#ffffff" end local kd = pstat.kills if pstat.deaths > 1 then kd = kd / pstat.deaths end ret = ret .. "," .. string.gsub(color, "0x", "#") .. "," .. i .. "," .. pstat.name .. "," .. pstat.kills .. "," .. pstat.deaths .. "," .. math.floor(kd * 10) / 10 .. "," .. pstat.bounty_kills .. "," .. pstat.captures .. "," .. pstat.attempts .. "," .. math.floor(pstat.score * 10) / 10 end ret = ret .. ";-1]" -- If target not in top 50, add a separate table -- This would result in the player's score displayed at the bottom -- of the list but yet be visible without having to scroll if hplace and hplace > ctf_stats.rankings_display_count then local h_kd = hstat.kills if hstat.deaths > 1 then h_kd = h_kd / hstat.deaths end ret = ret .. tablecolumns ret = ret .. "tableoptions[highlight=#00000000]" ret = ret .. "table[0.5,6.1;13.25,0.4;hlt_score;" ret = ret .. "#ffff00" .. "," .. hplace .. "," .. hstat.name .. "," .. hstat.kills .. "," .. hstat.deaths .. "," .. math.floor(h_kd * 10) / 10 .. "," .. hstat.bounty_kills .. "," .. hstat.captures .. "," .. hstat.attempts .. "," .. math.floor(hstat.score * 10) / 10 .. ";-1]" --[[ else ret = ret .. "box[0.5,6.1;13.25,0.4;#101010]" Adds a box where the extra table should be, in order to make it appear as an extension of the main table, but the color can't be matched, and looks slightly brighter or slightly darker than the table]] end ret = ret .. "button_exit[10,6.5;3,1;close;Close]" ret = ret .. "container_end[]" return ret end function ctf_stats.get_html(title) local players = ctf_stats.get_ordered_players() local ret = "

" .. title .. "

" ret = ret .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" .. "" for i = 1, math.min(#players, 50) do local pstat = players[i] local kd = pstat.kills if pstat.deaths > 1 then kd = kd / pstat.deaths end ret = ret .. "" end ret = ret .. "
PlayerKillsDeathsK/D ratioBounty killsCapturesAttemptsScore
" .. i .. "" .. pstat.name .. "" .. pstat.kills .. "" .. pstat.deaths .. "" .. math.floor(kd * 10) / 10 .. "" .. pstat.bounty_kills .. "" .. pstat.captures .. "" .. pstat.attempts .. "" .. math.floor(pstat.score*10)/10 .. "
\n" return ret end function ctf_stats.html_to_file(filepath) local f = io.open(filepath, "w") f:write("\n") f:write("\n") f:write("\n") f:write("Player Rankings\n") f:write("\n") f:write("\n") f:write(ctf_stats.get_html("Player Rankings")) f:write("\n") f:close() end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= "ctf_stats:match_summary" then return end local fs if fields.b_prev then fs = ctf_stats.prev_match_summary fs = fs .. "button[6,7.5;4,1;b_curr;Current match >>]" elseif fields.b_curr then fs = ctf_stats.get_formspec_match_summary(ctf_stats.current, ctf_stats.winner_team, ctf_stats.winner_player, ctf_match.get_match_duration()) fs = fs .. "button[6,7.5;4,1;b_prev;<< Previous match]" else return end minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(), "ctf_stats:match_summary", fs) end)