-- Table of tables indexed by player names, each having three fields: -- * HP at time of left-click + regen_max, -- * Max HP of player (generally 20) -- * ID of "healing effect" HUD element local players = {} local regen_max = 6 -- Max HP provided by one medkit local regen_interval = 0.5 -- Time in seconds between each iteration local regen_timer = 0 -- Timer to keep track of regen_interval local regen_step = 1 -- Number of HP added every iteration -- Boolean function for use by other mods to check if a player is healing function is_healing(name) return players[name] and true or false end -- Called when player uses a medkit -- Aborts if player is already healing local function start_healing(stack, player) if not player then return stack end local name = player:get_player_name() if players[name] or player:get_hp() >= 20 then return stack end players[name] = { pos = player:get_pos(), target = player:get_hp() + regen_max, hud = player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "image", position = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5}, scale = {x = -100, y = -100}, text = "medkit_hud.png" }) } stack:take_item() return stack end -- Called after regen is complete. Remove additional effects -- If interrupted == true, revert to original HP and give back one medkit. local function stop_healing(player, interrupted) local name = player:get_player_name() local info = players[name] players[name] = nil if interrupted then minetest.chat_send_player(name, minetest.colorize("#FF4444", "Your healing was interrupted!")) player:set_hp(info.target - regen_max) player:get_inventory():add_item("main", ItemStack("medkits:medkit 1")) end player:hud_remove(info.hud) end -- Called after left-click every n seconds (determined by regen_interval) -- heals player for a total of regen_max, limited by player's max hp minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) regen_timer = regen_timer + dtime if regen_timer < regen_interval then return end for name, info in pairs(players) do local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then players[name] = nil else -- Abort if player moves more than 1m in any direction to -- allow players to manually interrupt healing if necessary local pos = player:get_pos() if vector.distance(pos, info.pos) >= 1 then stop_healing(player, true) end -- Stop healing if target reached local hp = player:get_hp() if hp < info.target and hp < 20 then player:set_hp(hp + regen_step) else stop_healing(player) end end end regen_timer = 0 end) -- If player takes damage while healing, -- stop regen and revert back to original state minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp, reason) if hp < 0 then if players[player:get_player_name()] then stop_healing(player, true) end if reason and reason.type == "punch" then local hitter = reason.object if hitter and players[hitter:get_player_name()] then stop_healing(hitter, true) end end end return hp end, true) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) players[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) minetest.register_craftitem("medkits:medkit", { description = "Medkit", inventory_image = "medkit_medkit.png", wield_image = "medkit_medkit.png", stack_max = 10, on_use = start_healing })