ctf_match.registered_on_skip_map = {} function ctf_match.register_on_skip_map(func) if ctf._mt_loaded then error("You can't register callbacks at game time!") end table.insert(ctf_match.registered_on_skip_map, func) end function skip() for i = 1, #ctf_match.registered_on_skip_map do ctf_match.registered_on_skip_map[i]() end ctf_match.next() end local can_vote_skip = false local voted_skip = false local flags_hold = 0 function ctf_match.vote_next(name) local tcolor = ctf_colors.get_color(ctf.player(name)).css or "#FFFFFFFF" minetest.chat_send_all(minetest.colorize("#FFAA11", "Vote started by ") .. minetest.colorize(tcolor, name)) return vote.new_vote(name, { description = "Skip to next match", help = "/yes, /no or /abstain", duration = 60, perc_needed = 0.6, unanimous = 5, on_result = function(self, result, results) if result == "yes" then minetest.chat_send_all("Vote to skip match passed, " .. #results.yes .. " to " .. #results.no) if can_vote_skip then can_vote_skip = false voted_skip = true if flags_hold <= 0 then skip() end end else minetest.chat_send_all("Vote to skip match failed, " .. #results.no .. " to " .. #results.yes) end end, on_vote = function(self, voter, value) minetest.chat_send_all(voter .. " voted " .. value .. " to '" .. self.description .. "'") end }) end ctf_match.register_on_new_match(vote.clear_vote) minetest.register_chatcommand("vote", { privs = { interact = true, vote_starter = true }, func = ctf_match.vote_next }) -- Automatically start a skip vote after 90m, and subsequent votes every 15m local matchskip_time local matchskip_timer = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) if not can_vote_skip then return end matchskip_timer = matchskip_timer + dtime if matchskip_timer > matchskip_time then matchskip_timer = 0 -- Start vote and decrease time until next vote skip ctf_match.vote_next("[CTF automatic skip-vote]"..matchskip_time) matchskip_time = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("ctf_match.auto_skip_interval")) or 15 * 60 end end) ctf.register_on_new_game(function() can_vote_skip = false voted_skip = false flags_hold = 0 end) ctf_flag.register_on_pick_up(function() flags_hold = flags_hold + 1 end) ctf_flag.register_on_drop(function() flags_hold = flags_hold - 1 if voted_skip and flags_hold <= 0 then minetest.after(5, function() skip() end) end end) ctf_match.register_on_build_time_end(function() can_vote_skip = true matchskip_timer = 0 -- Set to initial vote time matchskip_time = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("ctf_match.auto_skip_delay")) or 50 * 60 end)