local latest_updates = minetest.formspec_escape([[ *Made Machine Gun automatic again *Added knockback *Made suffocation inside blocks instant *Added hudbars *Reduced place limit to 4 nodes per second *Added Capture Rate statistic and alternative option to access the pro chest *Re-added rocketeer class ]]) if minetest.global_exists("sfinv") then sfinv.register_page("latest_updates:latest_updates", { title = "Updates", get = function(self, player, context) return sfinv.make_formspec(player, context, "real_coordinates[true]" .. "label[3,0.4;"..minetest.colorize("#00aa00", "The latest updates to CTF are listed here").."]" .. "box[0.1,0.65;10.4,10.1;#222222]" .. "textarea[0.1,0.65;10.4,10.1;;;" .. latest_updates .. "]", false) end }) end