# Welcome The aim of CTF_PvP_Engine is to provide a base to any subgame which uses the concepts of teams. Flags are a plugin mod, so it isn't CTF as such. # Modules in CTF_PvP_Engine ## hudkit A support library to make the HUD API nicer. WTFPL. ## ctf Requires hudkit. Support for chatplus. Core framework, players, teams, diplomacy, hud and gui. * core - adds saving, loading and settings. All modules depend on this. * teams - add the concepts of teams and players. All modules except core depend on this. * diplomacy - adds inter team states of war, peace and alliances. * gui - adds the team gui on /team. Allows tabs to be registered. * hud - adds the name of the team in the TR of the screen, and sets the color ## ctf_chat Requires ctf. Support for chatplus. Chat commands and chat channels. ## ctf_colors Requires ctf. Support for 3d_armor. Adds player colors. * gui - settings form * hud - team name color, player skin color, nametag color * init - table of colors ## ctf_flag Requires ctf and ctf_colors. Support for chatplus. Adds flags and flag taking. * api - flag callbacks, flag management (adding, capturing, updating), flag checking (asserts) * flag_func - functions for flag node definitions. * flags - flag node definitions. * gui - flag naming GUI, flag teleport GUI. * hud - waypoints, alerts ("Punch the enemy flag!" etc in top right) * init - get nearest flag, overrides ctf.get_spawn(), minimum build range, pick up sound, flag capture timeout. ## ctf_protect Adds node ownership / protection to teams. Requires ctf_flag. # Past/Other Mods Please look ## ctf_turret Adds auto-firing turrets that fire on enemies. See git history. ## Capture the flag more mods available in [capture the flag](http://github.com/rubenwardy/capturetheflag/). * ctf_match - adds the concept of winning, match build time, and reseting the map / setting up a new game. Requires ctf_flag