ctf_classes.default_class = "knight" ctf_classes.register("knight", { description = "Knight", pros = { "* Skilled with swords", "* +50% health points" }, cons = { "* -10% speed" }, color = "#ccc", properties = { max_hp = 30, speed = 0.90, melee_bonus = 1, initial_stuff = { "ctf_classes:sword_bronze", }, allowed_guns = { "shooter_guns:pistol", "shooter_guns:shotgun", }, }, }) ctf_classes.register("shooter", { description = "Sharp Shooter", pros = { "* Skilled with ranged", "weapons and can", "craft/use sniper rifles"}, cons = { "* -20% health points" }, color = "#c60", properties = { allow_grapples = true, max_hp = 16, initial_stuff = { "shooter_guns:rifle_loaded", "shooter_hook:grapple_gun_loaded", "shooter:ammo 2" }, item_blacklist = { "shooter_guns:rifle_loaded", "shooter_hook:grapple_gun_loaded", }, additional_item_blacklist = { "shooter_hook:grapple_gun", "shooter_hook:grapple_hook", "shooter_guns:rifle", }, allowed_guns = { "shooter_guns:pistol", "shooter_guns:rifle", "shooter_guns:machine_gun", "shooter_guns:shotgun", "sniper_rifles:rifle_762", "sniper_rifles:rifle_magnum" }, crafting = { "sniper_rifles:rifle_762", "sniper_rifles:rifle_magnum" }, shooter_multipliers = { range = 1.5, tool_caps = { full_punch_interval = 0.8, }, }, }, }) ctf_classes.register("medic", { description = "Medic", pros = { "* x2 regen for nearby", "friendlies", "* Building supplies +", "Paxel", "* +10% speed" }, cons = {}, color = "#0af", properties = { nearby_hpregen = true, speed = 1.1, initial_stuff = { "ctf_bandages:bandage", "ctf_classes:paxel_bronze", "default:cobble 99" }, item_whitelist = { "default:cobble" }, allowed_guns = { "shooter_guns:pistol", }, crafting = { "default:axe_bronze", "default:axe_mese", "default:axe_diamond", "default:shovel_bronze", "default:shovel_mese", "default:shovel_diamond", } }, }) --[[ ctf_classes.register("sniper", { description = "Sniper", pros = { "+25% range", "+25% faster shooting" }, cons = {"-50% health points"}, color = "#96a", properties = { -- Disallow snipers from capturing flags - they're intended to be support can_capture = false, max_hp = 10, initial_stuff = { "sniper_rifles:rifle_762_loaded", "grenades:smoke 2", "shooter:ammo 3" }, item_blacklist = { "sniper_rifles:rifle_762_loaded", "shooter_grenade:grenade", }, additional_item_blacklist = { "sniper_rifles:rifle_762", "sniper_rifles:rifle_magnum", "sniper_rifles:rifle_magnum_loaded", }, allowed_guns = { "shooter_guns:pistol", "shooter_guns:machine_gun", "sniper_rifles:rifle_762", "sniper_rifles:rifle_magnum" }, crafting = { "sniper_rifles:rifle_762", "sniper_rifles:rifle_magnum" }, shooter_multipliers = { range = 1.25, tool_caps = { full_punch_interval = 0.75, }, }, } }) ]]-- ctf_classes.register("rocketeer", { description = "Rocketeer", pros = { "* Can craft/use rockets" }, cons = { "* Can't capture the flag", "* -25% health points" }, color = "#fa0", properties = { -- Disallow rocketeers from capturing flags - they're intended to be support can_capture = false, max_hp = 15, allow_rockets = true, initial_stuff = { "shooter_rocket:rocket_gun_loaded", "ctf_classes:rocket", "shooter_rocket:rocket 3", }, item_whitelist = { "shooter_rocket:rocket" }, additional_item_blacklist = { "shooter_rocket:rocket_gun", }, allowed_guns = { "shooter_guns:pistol", }, crafting = { "shooter_rocket:rocket" }, }, })