# [cachet-monitor](https://git.sp-codes.de/samuel-p/cachet-monitor) [![Build Status](https://ci.sp-codes.de/api/badges/samuel-p/cachet-monitor/status.svg)](https://ci.sp-codes.de/samuel-p/cachet-monitor) ![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/samuelph/cachet-monitor) Simple monitor to watch URLs (`HTTP`) or ports (`TCP`, `UDP`) and update [Cachet](https://cachethq.io/) status. ## Configuration cachet-monitor can monitor a list of services. Therefore it requires to setup all services in `./data/config.json`. __The id of each service has to match the cachet component id you want to update!__ Each service needs the following attributes (additionally to `id` and `type`): * type `HTTP` * `url` * type `TCP` or `UDP` * `host` * `port` Optionally you can add the following options to each service, or change the default values globally: * `retry` - number how often the check should be retried if the service is offline (default value `0`) * `waitUntilRetry` - number of seconds the retry should be delayed (default value `5`) * `performanceTimeout` - time in seconds in which the request has to be completed, otherwise the status will be `SLOW` (Cachet `Performance Issues`) (default value `1`) * `requestTimeout` - time in seconds in which the request has to be completed, otherwise the status will be offline (default value `30`) * `offlineTimeUntilMajor` - time in seconds a service has to be offline until it turns from partial to major outage (default value `300`) You can specify the interval (`cron`) your services should be checked. You can use the cron syntax from [`node-cron`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-cron). Finally you need to provide the information to your cachet instance (`api` and `token`). To change the default values globally you can set the in the `defaults` object. Example: ```json { "cron": "0 * * * * *", "api": "https:///api/v1", "token": "" "services": [ { "id": 1, "type": "HTTP", "url": "https://sp-codes.de", "performanceTimeout": 1 }, { "id": 2, "type": "TCP", "host": "sp-codes.de", "port": 443 } ], "defaults": { "retry": 1, "waitUntilRetry": 5, "performanceTimeout": 2, "requestTimeout": 10, "offlineTimeUntilMajor": 600 } } ``` ## Run with docker You can use the docker image [`samuelph/cachet-monitor`](https://hub.docker.com/r/samuelph/cachet-monitor) and mount a volume to `/monitor/data` to persist cache and config: ```bash docker run -v /your/path/monitor/data:/monitor/data samuelph/cachet-monitor ``` You also can use it in `docker-compose.yml`: ```yaml services: monitor: image: samuelph/cachet-monitor restart: always volumes: - /your/path/monitor:/monitor/data ``` ## Run from source 1. clone the repo ```bash git clone https://git.sp-codes.de/samuel-p/cachet-monitor.git ``` 2. install dependencies ```bash npm install ``` 3. run ```bash npm run start ```