# [feed2toot-docker](https://git.sp-codes.de/samuel-p/feed2toot-docker) [![Build Status](https://ci.sp-codes.de/api/badges/samuel-p/feed2toot-docker/status.svg)](https://ci.sp-codes.de/samuel-p/feed2toot-docker) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL--3.0-orange)](#license) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/samuelph/feed2toot)](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/samuelph/feed2toot) A Docker image for [feed2toot](https://gitlab.com/chaica/feed2toot). ## Usage Create a `feed2toot` directory and your custom `feed2toot.ini` with the [feed2toot config](https://gitlab.com/chaica/feed2toot#use-feed2toot) in this directory. You can use the path `/feed2toot` in that file, as the directory will be mounted to that path. Example: ```ini [mastodon] instance_url= ; Here you need the two files created by register_feed2toot_app user_credentials=/feed2toot/feed2toot_usercred.txt client_credentials=/feed2toot/feed2toot_clientcred.txt ; Default visibility is public, but you can override it: ; toot_visibility=unlisted [cache] cachefile=/feed2toot/feed2toot.db cache_limit=10000 [lock] lock_file=/feed2toot/feed2toot.lock lock_timeout=300 [rss] uri= ; uri_list=/feed2toot/rsslist.txt toot={title} {summary:400} [hashtaglist] ; several_words_hashtags_list=/feed2toot/hashtags.txt [feedparser] accept_bozo_exceptions=true [media] ; custom=/feed2toot/media/logo.png ``` To [create the authorization for feed2toot](https://gitlab.com/chaica/feed2toot#create-the-authorization-for-the-feed2toot-app) you can also use this image: ```bash docker run --rm -it -v /your/path/feed2toot:/feed2toot samuelph/feed2toot register_feed2toot_app ``` Finally copy the [`cron`](cron) file in the `feed2toot` directory and run the docker image: ```bash docker run -d -v /your/path/feed2toot:/feed2toot samuelph/feed2toot ``` Optionally you can adjust the cron job to fit your needs by editing the `cron` file. Per default the cron job runs every minute. To run the image with Docker Compose you can just use this: ```yaml services: feed2toot: image: samuelph/feed2toot restart: always volumes: - /your/path/feed2toot:/feed2toot ``` ## Usage with multiple feeds You can also use a single container to handle multiple feeds. Therefore you should create a folder for each feed in the `feed2toot` folder from above. Don't forget to update the paths in the `*.ini` files. Finally you can add a cronjob for each feed in the `cron` file: ``` */3 * * * * /usr/local/bin/feed2toot -c /feed2toot/feed1/feed2toot.ini > /proc/1/fd/1 2>/proc/1/fd/2 */7 * * * * /usr/local/bin/feed2toot -c /feed2toot/feed2/feed2toot.ini > /proc/1/fd/1 2>/proc/1/fd/2 ``` Now you can run the image like before. ## License [![GNU GPLv3 Image](https://www.gnu.org/graphics/gplv3-127x51.png)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0) feed2toot-docker is Free Software: It is licensed under GNU GPL v3 (See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information).