{ "about": { "title": "About Me", "overview": { "name": "Name", "mail": "E-Mail", "site": "Website", "url": "samuel-philipp.com", "address": "Address" }, "hello": "Welcome!", "text": "Nice that you have found my website. I would like to introduce myself here: First, I'll take you through the most important stages of my career. Then I'll present the projects I work on and the skills I have. Finally, I'll give you an insight into my hobbies and what else I do. If you have any questions, suggestions or criticism, I look forward receiving your message!" }, "resume": { "title": "My Resume", "work": { "title": "Work Experience", "positions": [ { "position": "Full Stack Developer", "company": "Hacking-Lab AG", "url": "https://www.hacking-lab.com", "start": "May 2023", "end": "now", "descriptions": [ "Development of the Hacking Lab Hacking-Lab Platform", "Planning and realization of the Bug Bounty Platform", "System administration and maintenance of the infrastructure", "Design and implementation of DevOps processes" ], "city": "Berlin", "country": "" }, { "position": "Managing Director (side job)", "company": "Ossrox UG (haftungsbeschränkt)", "url": "https://ossrox.org", "start": "Mar. 2022", "end": "now", "descriptions": [ "Hosting of open source tools", "Design and implementation of marketing strategies", "Direct contact for technical customer support", "Planning and realization of individual customer requests" ], "city": "Magdeburg", "country": "" }, { "position": "Software Engineer", "company": "AV-TEST GmbH", "url": "https://www.av-test.org", "start": "Jan. 2018", "end": "Apr. 2023", "descriptions": [ "Development of the Threat Intelligence Platform av-atlas", "Automated privacy analysis of Android apps", "Automated collection of malware for further analysis systems", "Automated mass analysis and classification of spam mails" ], "city": "Magdeburg", "country": "" }, { "position": "Software Engineer", "company": "Fiducia & GAD IT AG", "url": "https://www.fiduciagad.de", "start": "Oct. 2017", "end": "Dec. 2017", "descriptions": [ "Audit workflows & access management of productive bank data", "Professional reorientation due to move to Magdeburg" ], "city": "Karlsruhe", "country": "" }, { "position": "Dual Student Applied Computer Science", "company": "Fiducia & GAD IT AG", "url": "https://www.fiduciagad.de", "start": "Sept. 2014", "end": "Sept. 2017", "descriptions": [ "Audit interface for Hadoop components of a fraud detection system", "Development of various software test procedures & CI/CD workflows", "Implementation of various backends & frontends" ], "city": "Karlsruhe", "country": "" } ] }, "education": { "title": "Education", "positions": [ { "course": "IT Security and Forensics", "degree": "Master of Engineering", "institution": "Wismar University", "start": "Sept. 2018", "end": "June 2021", "descriptions": [ "Part-time distance studies" ], "city": "Wismar" }, { "course": "Applied Computer Science", "degree": "Bachelor of Science", "institution": "Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University", "start": "Oct. 2014", "end": "Sept. 2017", "descriptions": [], "city": "Karlsruhe" }, { "course": "", "degree": "Abitur (A-Level)", "institution": "Albert-Einstein School", "start": "Sept. 2011", "end": "June 2014", "descriptions": [ "Technical high school, profile information technology" ], "city": "Ettlingen" } ] } }, "projects": { "title": "My Projects", "list": [ { "icon": "sp-codes.svg", "name": "sp-codes", "description": "In my spare time I provide various open source services for free.", "url": "https://sp-codes.de" }, { "icon": "samuel.png", "name": "Open Source", "description": "When I have the time, I participate in open source projects or write an article or tutorial about it.", "url": "" }, { "icon": "op.png", "name": "Ossrox", "description": "With my company Ossrox I offer hosting of open source tools.", "url": "https://ossrox.org" } ] }, "skills": { "title": "Skills", "description": "A compact summary of my expertise.", "languages": [ { "name": "Java", "percent": 95 }, { "name": "HTML", "percent": 95 }, { "name": "CSS", "percent": 90 }, { "name": "SQL", "percent": 95 }, { "name": "Bash", "percent": 85 }, { "name": "JavaScript", "percent": 80 }, { "name": "TypeScript", "percent": 75 }, { "name": "Python", "percent": 50 } ], "technologies": [ { "name": "Docker", "percent": 95 }, { "name": "Kubernetes", "percent": 40 }, { "name": "Git", "percent": 90 }, { "name": "Intellij IDEA", "percent": 90 }, { "name": "CI/CD", "percent": 90 }, { "name": "Spring Framework", "percent": 85 }, { "name": "Angular", "percent": 80 }, { "name": "Bootstrap", "percent": 75 }, { "name": "Elasticsearch", "percent": 40 }, { "name": "Node.js", "percent": 80 } ] }, "interests": { "title": "Interests", "description": "This is how I spend my free time.", "list": [ { "image": "magic", "name": "Magic", "url": "https://sp-magic.de" }, { "image": "environment", "name": "Nature & environment protection", "url": "" }, { "image": "sports", "name": "Strength training & Bouldering", "url": "" }, { "image": "photography", "name": "Photography", "url": "" } ] }, "commitment": { "title": "Commitment", "description": "I regularly support these projects and organizations.", "list": [ { "image": "softwerke.svg", "name": "Softwerke Magdeburg e.V.", "url": "https://softwerke.md" }, { "image": "noyb.png", "name": "NOYB", "url": "https://noyb.eu/de" }, { "image": "dgzrs.svg", "name": "Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger", "url": "https://www.seenotretter.de" }, { "image": "wilderness-international.svg", "name": "Wilderness International", "url": "https://wilderness-international.org" } ] }, "contact": { "title": "Contact" }, "footer": { "imprint": "Imprint", "privacy": "Privacy", "code": "Code", "stats": "Stats" } }