--- layout: article.njk service: connectivitycheck title: Setup Captive Portal Check summary: In this article, you will learn how to set up your own captive portal check on different devices. tags: - Tutorial - Captive Portal Check --- # Setup Captive Portal Check In this article, you will learn how to set up your own captive portal check on different devices. ## Android To change the Captive Portal Check in Android, you need a terminal app or a connection via ADB to a computer. To use `http` you can run the following commands with the respective method: ``` # settings put global captive_portal_use_https 0 # settings put global captive_portal_http_url "http://connectivitycheck.sp-codes.de/generate204" ``` To use `https` you can use the following two commands: ``` # settings put global captive_portal_use_https 1 # settings put global captive_portal_https_url "https://connectivitycheck.sp-codes.de/generate204" ``` Maybe you have to reboot your phone after updating the settings. If you are using AFWall+ you need to give access to _[1000] Android-System_ and in some cases _[10040] CaptivePortalLogin_ to make it work. ## Ubuntu In Ubuntu, the file `/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf` must be changed. Add or change the following lines: ``` [connectivity] uri=https://connectivitycheck.sp-codes.de/generate204 ``` Restart the network-manager: ``` sudo service network-manager restart ``` ## Fedora In Fedora, the file `/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf` must be changed. Add or change the following lines: ``` [connectivity] uri=https://connectivitycheck.sp-codes.de/generate204 ``` Restart the _NetworkManager_: ``` sudo service NetworkManager restart ``` ## Firefox Type [about:config](about:config) in the Firefox address bar and search for `captivedetect.canonicalURL` and `network.connectivity-service`. Set the URL values to `https://connectivitycheck.sp-codes.de/generate204`, the domain values to `connectivitycheck.sp-codes.de`. That's it. ## Sources * [Setup on Android](https://android.stackexchange.com/a/186995/288049) * [Setup on Ubuntu](https://askubuntu.com/q/1167177/920103) * [Captive Portal Kuketz Blog](https://www.kuketz-blog.de/android-captive-portal-check-204-http-antwort-von-captiveportal-kuketz-de/)