{ "locale": "en", "strings": { "locale": "en", "menu": { "title": "Menu", "imprint": "Imprint", "privacy": "Privacy", "code": "Code", "stats": "Stats" }, "state": { "title": "State", "operational": "Online", "outage": "Outage", "maintenance": "Maintenance" }, "donations": { "supporters": "Supporters", "date": "Date", "amount": "Amount", "via": "Via", "from": "Form", "banktransfer": "Bank transfer", "opencollective": "Open Collective", "total": "Total", "name": "Name", "type": "Type", "provider": "Provider", "location": "Location", "month": "Month", "year": "Year" }, "service": { "overview": "Back to overview" }, "article": { "seriesParts": "All parts of this series", "relatedService": "Related Service", "questions": "Do you have a question?", "questionsContent": "

Join the Matrix group and let's discuss. I look forward to your feedback!

#sp-codes:matrix.sp-codes.de", "aboutMe": "About me", "aboutMeContent": "

My name is Samuel Philipp and I am a software engineer from Magdeburg, Germany. In my spare time, I host various free services. Here I write articles about security and privacy.

Read more", "yourOpinion": "Send me your opinion" } } }