--- layout: base.njk key: donate title: Donate eleventyNavigation: key: donate title: Donate icon: i-hand-holding-heart order: 4 ---


All public services can be used for free. If you still want to contribute to the costs for server infrastructure or send me a small donation for my blog, you can support me in the following ways1:


You are welcome to recommend my services and my blog posts. I am very glad if I can make you happy with it.

Bank transfer

If you want to transfer some money to me, just write me a short message. I will then send you my bank details as soon as possible. I am especially happy about a standing order.
Bank transfer {{ strings.supporters[locale] }}


If you want to send me some cash, feel free to send it to the address provided in the imprint.
Cash {{ strings.supporters[locale] }}


Almost all my services are hosted at Hetzner. If you want to run your own server in the Hetzner cloud, you are welcome to use the following link. This way I get a small commission for your order. If you are a new customer, you will get 20 € starting balance with your order.


I also use netcup occasionally for smaller projects. If you want to run your own server or website at netcup, you can use the following link. This way I get a small commission on your order. If you are a new customer, you will receive a 5€ voucher for your order.

Current Expenses

{% include "expenses-current.html" %}

Donations {{donations[0].year}}

{% include "donations-current.html" %}

➔ All Donations

1 The payments made are donations in terms of § 516 BGB, not tax-deductible donations in terms of tax law.