(function( $ ) { /* * Private attributes and method */ // Function from David Walsh: http://davidwalsh.name/css-animation-callback licensed with http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT var whichTransitionEvent = function() { var t, el = document.createElement("fakeelement"), transitions = { "transition" : "transitionend", "OTransition" : "oTransitionEnd", "MozTransition" : "transitionend", "WebkitTransition": "webkitTransitionEnd" }; for (t in transitions) { if (el.style[t] !== undefined) { return transitions[t]; } } }; /* * Model declaration */ var Flip = function($el, options, callback) { // Define default setting this.setting = { axis: "y", reverse: false, trigger: "click", speed: 500, forceHeight: false, forceWidth: false, autoSize: true, front: '.front', back: '.back' }; this.setting = $.extend(this.setting, options); if (typeof options.axis === 'string' && (options.axis.toLowerCase() === 'x' || options.axis.toLowerCase() === 'y')) { this.setting.axis = options.axis.toLowerCase(); } if (typeof options.reverse === "boolean") { this.setting.reverse = options.reverse; } if (typeof options.trigger === 'string') { this.setting.trigger = options.trigger.toLowerCase(); } var speed = parseInt(options.speed); if (!isNaN(speed)) { this.setting.speed = speed; } if (typeof options.forceHeight === "boolean") { this.setting.forceHeight = options.forceHeight; } if (typeof options.forceWidth === "boolean") { this.setting.forceWidth = options.forceWidth; } if (typeof options.autoSize === "boolean") { this.setting.autoSize = options.autoSize; } if (typeof options.front === 'string' || options.front instanceof $) { this.setting.front = options.front; } if (typeof options.back === 'string' || options.back instanceof $) { this.setting.back = options.back; } // Other attributes this.element = $el; this.frontElement = this.getFrontElement(); this.backElement = this.getBackElement(); this.isFlipped = false; this.init(callback); }; /* * Public methods */ $.extend(Flip.prototype, { flipDone: function(callback) { var self = this; // Providing a nicely wrapped up callback because transform is essentially async self.element.one(whichTransitionEvent(), function() { self.element.trigger('flip:done'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback.call(self.element); } }); }, flip: function(callback) { if (this.isFlipped) { return; } this.isFlipped = true; var rotateAxis = "rotate" + this.setting.axis; this.frontElement.css({ transform: rotateAxis + (this.setting.reverse ? "(-180deg)" : "(180deg)"), "z-index": "0" }); this.backElement.css({ transform: rotateAxis + "(0deg)", "z-index": "1" }); this.flipDone(callback); }, unflip: function(callback) { if (!this.isFlipped) { return; } this.isFlipped = false; var rotateAxis = "rotate" + this.setting.axis; this.frontElement.css({ transform: rotateAxis + "(0deg)", "z-index": "1" }); this.backElement.css({ transform: rotateAxis + (this.setting.reverse ? "(180deg)" : "(-180deg)"), "z-index": "0" }); this.flipDone(callback); }, getFrontElement: function() { if (this.setting.front instanceof $) { return this.setting.front; } else { return this.element.find(this.setting.front); } }, getBackElement: function() { if (this.setting.back instanceof $) { return this.setting.back; } else { return this.element.find(this.setting.back); } }, init: function(callback) { var self = this; var faces = self.frontElement.add(self.backElement); var rotateAxis = "rotate" + self.setting.axis; var perspective = self.element["outer" + (rotateAxis === "rotatex" ? "Height" : "Width")]() * 2; var elementCss = { 'perspective': perspective, 'position': 'relative' }; var backElementCss = { "transform": rotateAxis + "(" + (self.setting.reverse ? "180deg" : "-180deg") + ")", "z-index": "0", "position": "relative" }; var faceElementCss = { "backface-visibility": "hidden", "transform-style": "preserve-3d", "position": "absolute", "z-index": "1" }; if (self.setting.forceHeight) { faces.outerHeight(self.element.height()); } else if (self.setting.autoSize) { faceElementCss.height = '100%'; } if (self.setting.forceWidth) { faces.outerWidth(self.element.width()); } else if (self.setting.autoSize) { faceElementCss.width = '100%'; } // Back face always visible on Chrome #39 if ((window.chrome || (window.Intl && Intl.v8BreakIterator)) && 'CSS' in window) { //Blink Engine, add preserve-3d to self.element elementCss["-webkit-transform-style"] = "preserve-3d"; } faces.css(faceElementCss).find('*').css({ "backface-visibility": "hidden" }); self.element.css(elementCss); self.backElement.css(backElementCss); // #39 // not forcing width/height may cause an initial flip to show up on // page load when we apply the style to reverse the backface... // To prevent self we first apply the basic styles and then give the // browser a moment to apply them. Only afterwards do we add the transition. setTimeout(function() { // By now the browser should have applied the styles, so the transition // will only affect subsequent flips. var speedInSec = self.setting.speed / 1000 || 0.5; faces.css({ "transition": "all " + speedInSec + "s ease-out" }); // This allows flip to be called for setup with only a callback (default settings) if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback.call(self.element); } // While this used to work with a setTimeout of zero, at some point that became // unstable and the initial flip returned. The reason for this is unknown but we // will temporarily use a short delay of 20 to mitigate this issue. }, 20); self.attachEvents(); }, clickHandler: function(event) { if (!event) { event = window.event; } if (this.element.find($(event.target).closest('button, a, input[type="submit"]')).length) { return; } if (this.isFlipped) { this.unflip(); } else { this.flip(); } }, hoverHandler: function() { var self = this; self.element.off('mouseleave.flip'); self.flip(); setTimeout(function() { self.element.on('mouseleave.flip', $.proxy(self.unflip, self)); if (!self.element.is(":hover")) { self.unflip(); } }, (self.setting.speed + 150)); }, attachEvents: function() { var self = this; if (self.setting.trigger === "click") { self.element.on($.fn.tap ? "tap.flip" : "click.flip", $.proxy(self.clickHandler, self)); } else if (self.setting.trigger === "hover") { self.element.on('mouseenter.flip', $.proxy(self.hoverHandler, self)); self.element.on('mouseleave.flip', $.proxy(self.unflip, self)); } }, flipChanged: function(callback) { this.element.trigger('flip:change'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback.call(this.element); } }, changeSettings: function(options, callback) { var self = this; var changeNeeded = false; if (options.axis !== undefined && self.setting.axis !== options.axis.toLowerCase()) { self.setting.axis = options.axis.toLowerCase(); changeNeeded = true; } if (options.reverse !== undefined && self.setting.reverse !== options.reverse) { self.setting.reverse = options.reverse; changeNeeded = true; } if (changeNeeded) { var faces = self.frontElement.add(self.backElement); var savedTrans = faces.css(["transition-property", "transition-timing-function", "transition-duration", "transition-delay"]); faces.css({ transition: "none" }); // This sets up the first flip in the new direction automatically var rotateAxis = "rotate" + self.setting.axis; if (self.isFlipped) { self.frontElement.css({ transform: rotateAxis + (self.setting.reverse ? "(-180deg)" : "(180deg)"), "z-index": "0" }); } else { self.backElement.css({ transform: rotateAxis + (self.setting.reverse ? "(180deg)" : "(-180deg)"), "z-index": "0" }); } // Providing a nicely wrapped up callback because transform is essentially async setTimeout(function() { faces.css(savedTrans); self.flipChanged(callback); }, 0); } else { // If we didnt have to set the axis we can just call back. self.flipChanged(callback); } } }); /* * jQuery collection methods */ $.fn.flip = function (options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; } if (typeof options === "string" || typeof options === "boolean") { this.each(function() { var flip = $(this).data('flip-model'); if (options === "toggle") { options = !flip.isFlipped; } if (options) { flip.flip(callback); } else { flip.unflip(callback); } }); } else { this.each(function() { if ($(this).data('flip-model')) { // The element has been initiated, all we have to do is change applicable settings var flip = $(this).data('flip-model'); if (options && (options.axis !== undefined || options.reverse !== undefined)) { flip.changeSettings(options, callback); } } else { // Init $(this).data('flip-model', new Flip($(this), (options || {}), callback)); } }); } return this; }; }( jQuery ));