// Foundation for Sites by ZURB // foundation.zurb.com // Licensed under MIT Open Source //// /// @group grid //// /// The maximum width of a row. /// @type Number $grid-row-width: $global-width !default; /// The default column count of a grid. Changing this value affects the logic of the grid mixins, and the number of CSS classes output. /// @type Number $grid-column-count: 12 !default; /// The amount of space between columns at different screen sizes. To use just one size, set the variable to a number instead of a map. /// @type Map | Length /// @since 6.1.0 $grid-column-gutter: ( small: 20px, medium: 30px, ) !default; /// If `true`, the last column in a row will align to the opposite edge of the row. /// @type Boolean $grid-column-align-edge: true !default; /// The highest number of `.x-up` classes available when using the block grid CSS. /// @type Number $block-grid-max: 8 !default; // Internal value to store the end column float direction $-zf-end-float: if($grid-column-align-edge, $global-right, $global-left); // The last piece to transition the responsive gutter feature // Remove this in 6.3 $grid-column-responsive-gutter: null !default; @if $grid-column-responsive-gutter { // scss-lint:disable DebugStatement @warn 'Rename $grid-column-responsive-gutter to $grid-column-gutter to remove this warning.'; $grid-column-gutter: $grid-column-responsive-gutter; } // If a single value is passed as a gutter, convert it to a map so the code knows what to do with it @if type-of($grid-column-gutter) == 'number' { $grid-column-gutter: ( small: $grid-column-gutter, ); } @import 'row'; @import 'column'; @import 'size'; @import 'position'; @import 'gutter'; @import 'classes'; @import 'layout'; @import 'flex-grid';