// Foundation for Sites by ZURB // foundation.zurb.com // Licensed under MIT Open Source //// /// @group drilldown //// /// Transition property to use for animating menus. /// @type Transition $drilldown-transition: transform 0.15s linear !default; /// Adds arrows to drilldown items with submenus, as well as the back button. /// @type Boolean $drilldown-arrows: true !default; /// Sets drilldown arrow color if arrow is used. /// @type Color $drilldown-arrow-color: $primary-color !default; /// Background color for drilldown submenus. /// @type Color $drilldown-background: $white !default; @mixin foundation-drilldown-menu { // Applied to the Menu container .is-drilldown { position: relative; overflow: hidden; li { display: block !important; } } // Applied to nested