# STEP 1 build executable binary FROM golang:1.17.3-alpine3.13@sha256:07674a997a6ece514c1397c44b1d6cc45b9ade6ba9acb1d3c6072537c4cf82f1 AS builder ENV MORTY_VERSION="f5bff1e285d3f973cacf73318e55175edafd633f" WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/github.com/asciimoo/morty RUN apk upgrade --no-cache && \ apk add --no-cache git && \ git clone https://github.com/asciimoo/morty.git . && \ git checkout "${MORTY_VERSION}" RUN go get -d -v && gofmt -l ./ && go build . # STEP 2 build the image including only the binary FROM alpine:3.14.2@sha256:e1c082e3d3c45cccac829840a25941e679c25d438cc8412c2fa221cf1a824e6a RUN apk upgrade --no-cache && \ apk --no-cache add ca-certificates && \ rm -f /var/cache/apk/* && \ adduser -D -h /usr/local/morty -s /bin/false morty morty COPY --from=builder /go/src/github.com/asciimoo/morty/morty /usr/local/morty/morty EXPOSE 3000 USER morty ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/morty/morty"]