rsyncopt="rsync offers various options, but to simplify the installation process, I have activated the options -a, -q and -p.\nIf you want to set more options, you can do that in the file ''."
excludefile1="Now I need to know if you want to exclude one or more files/directories from your backups.\nThen you can adjust this in the 'exclude.txt'.\nThere you can exclude directories and files in the format '/directory''/file.txt'.\nDo you want to exclude files/directories or not? [y/N]"
excludefile2="Perfect, then you can enter your files/directories to be excluded in the file 'exclude.txt' after completing the installation of Backuppy."
excludefile3="Good, then I won't even create the file 'exclude.txt', because you don't need it."
srcdir1="Now we come to one of the most important parts of installing Backuppy:"
srcdir2="Which directory do you want to save (e.g. the home directory)? Please enter an absolute path (e.g. '/home/username/')."
srcdir3_1="you have typed in the following source path: "
targetdir1="Now I need to know where Backuppy should save your backups, i.e. the target directory. \n Please enter this carefully and in the same way as for the source directory."
targetdir2_1="you have typed in the following destination path:"
collect="Now we have almost reached the end of the installer. I will now create the rsync command for you and show it to you.\n If you notice a mistake, just cancel the installer and start again from the beginning.\nNote: I recommend that you download Backuppy completely again in this case."
outro1="Now we have reached the end. Now you can start Backuppy in the terminal with the command 'backuppy'. You may then have to type in your password so that Backuppy can work properly."