- The area can be maximum 230x230 blocks in surface area, but it can be lesser.
- Modify the area to *your* unique ctf_map
- you could add
- buildings
- lakes
- hills
- etc.
- If you haven't modified the map at all, do the following to speed up barrier placement:
- Stop Minetest.
- Open up the world's world.mt
- Set backend to "dummy".
- Save.
### The `gui`window

There are many ways of placing the barrier:
- Go to the center of the map and click on `Player Pos` and then on `To WE`
- set a radius and a height for the map
- **Or** select the area of the map via WE
- Go to one corner of the map and type `//pos 1` in the chat
- Then go to the opposite corner of the cube and type `//pos 2` in the chat
- Click on `From WE` to import the positions
- **If `h` is negative change it to the positive number** (`-130 -> 130`)
- **Both radii must be the same!**
- The rotation of the map has to be `z=0` (currently x=0 creates bugs and errors)
- Click on `Place Barriers` (Note that this has no undo)
- After the barriers are placed, click on `Givme Flags` to get 2 flags and place them at the bases.
### Meta Data
The `gui`window only shows the most important things. You have to add the missing in the `map.conf` later.
### Exporting
- Click on `Export` to export the map-files. This may takes some time
## Map Meta
The metadata of each map are stored in the `map.conf` file and includes all important information about them:
-`name`: Name of the map.
-`author`: Author of the map.
-`hint` [Optional]: A helpful tip for players to understand unique maps.
-`roation`: The rotation of the map. [x|y]
-`r`: Radius of the map.
-`h`: Heigt of the map (**If it's an odd numer, make h=h+1 `107->108`**).
-`team.i`: Name of the team.
-`team.i.color`: Color of the team.
-`team.i.pos`: Position of team `i`'s flag, relative ot the center of schem. **The y-positions of the flags must be an integer!**`30,-32.5,60 -> 30,-33,60`
-`chest.i.from` and `chests.i.to` [Optional]: Positions of diagonal corners of custom chest zone `i`, relative to the center of the schem.
-`chests.i.n` [Optional]: Number if chests in zone `i`
-`license`: Name of license of the map.
-`other` [Optional]: Additional information about the map. This is displayed in the maps catalog.
-`base_node` [Optional]: String of the node around the flags.
-`initial_stuff` [Optional]: Comma-separated list of itemstacks to be given to the player on join and on respawn.
-`treasures` [Optional]: List of treasures to be registered for the map, in a serialized format. Refer to the `treasures` sub-section for more details.
-`start_time` [Optional]: Time of day when the match starts. Default to `0.4` [`0 - 1`].
-`time_speed` [Optional]: Time speed multiplier. Accepts any valid number. Defaults to 1.
-`phys_speed` [Optional]: Player speed multiplier. Accepts any valid number. Defaults to 1.
-`phys_jump` [Optional]: Player jump multiplier. Accepts any valid number. Defaults to 1.
-`phys_gravity` [Optional]: Player gravity multiplier. Accepts any valid number. Defaults to 1.
* If attribution is required (for example if you modify other's map and you have to tell who is author of the original map), that has to be appended to the `license` field.
* If you don't know which license to use, [this list of CC licenses](https://creativecommons.org/use-remix/cc-licenses/) can help you.
* We can only accept Free Software licenses, e.g.`CC BY-SA 4.0`.
* Please know what you are doing when choosing a certain license. For example, you can read information about various licenses and/or consult a lawyer.
`initial_stuff` are the items given to players at their (re)spawn. The `initial_stuff` field is located in the `map.conf` file. At least a pickaxe and some torches should be given in the map's `initial_stuff`.
An example of `initial_stuff` value that registers a stone pickaxe, 30 cobblestones, 5 torches and a pistol is given below.
You have to include skybox license in `license` in `map.conf` file. We can only accept Free Software licenses, e.g. `CC0`, `CC BY 3.0`, `CC BY 4.0`, `CC BY-SA 3.0`, `CC BY-SA 4.0`.
Before you test your skybox images in local CTF game, run the `update.sh` file in the `games/capturetheflag/` folder.
You can find some good skyboxes with suitable licenses at [opengameart.org](https://opengameart.org/art-search-advanced?field_art_tags_tid=skybox) or [www.humus.name](https://www.humus.name/index.php?page=Textures).