
48 lines
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2020-06-01 19:44:08 +00:00
"locale": "en",
"strings": {
"locale": "en",
"menu": {
"title": "Menu",
"imprint": "Imprint",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"code": "Code",
"stats": "Stats"
"state": {
"title": "State",
"operational": "Online",
"outage": "Outage",
"maintenance": "Maintenance"
"donations": {
"supporters": "Supporters",
"date": "Date",
"amount": "Amount",
"via": "Via",
"from": "Form",
"banktransfer": "Bank transfer",
"opencollective": "Open Collective",
"total": "Total",
"name": "Name",
"type": "Type",
"provider": "Provider",
"location": "Location",
"month": "Month",
"year": "Year"
"service": {
"overview": "Back to overview"
"article": {
"seriesParts": "All parts of this series",
"relatedService": "Related Service",
"questions": "Do you have a question?",
"questionsContent": "<p>Join the Matrix group and let's discuss. I look forward to your feedback!</p><a href=\"https://matrix.to/#/#sp-codes:matrix.sp-codes.de?via=matrix.sp-codes.de\">#sp-codes:matrix.sp-codes.de</a>",
"aboutMe": "About me",
"aboutMeContent": "<p>My name is Samuel Philipp and I am a software engineer from Magdeburg, Germany. In my spare time, I host various free <a href=\"/en/services/\">services</a>. Here I write articles about security and privacy.</p><a href=\"https://samuel-philipp.com\">Read more</a>",
"yourOpinion": "Send me your opinion"