Update dependency minify to ^8.0.3 - autoclosed
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/woodpecker the build failed
#94 by renovate-bot was closed 2021-10-24 19:02:47 +00:00 0 / 1 1 conflicting file
removed plausible and finally added umami links
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/woodpecker the build failed
#95 by samuel-p was merged 2021-10-24 19:11:08 +00:00
updated .eleventy.js
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/woodpecker the build was successful
#96 by samuel-p was merged 2021-10-24 19:46:39 +00:00
Update dependency browser-sync to ^2.27.6
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/woodpecker the build was successful
#97 by renovate-bot was merged 2021-10-27 19:47:00 +00:00 0 / 1
Update dependency browser-sync to ^2.27.7
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/woodpecker the build was successful
#98 by renovate-bot was merged 2021-11-04 21:11:42 +00:00 0 / 1
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/woodpecker the build was successful
#100 by samuel-p was merged 2021-11-16 15:55:04 +00:00
Update dependency node-sass to v7
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/woodpecker the build was successful
#101 by renovate-bot was merged 2021-12-08 11:23:14 +00:00 0 / 1
updated donations.json
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/woodpecker the build was successful
#102 by samuel-p was merged 2021-12-06 21:55:53 +00:00
Update dependency @11ty/eleventy to ^1.0.0-canary.49
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/woodpecker the build was successful
#103 by renovate-bot was merged 2021-12-25 18:09:44 +00:00 0 / 1
Update dependency node-sass to ^7.0.1
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
#104 by renovate-bot was merged 2022-01-11 17:12:07 +00:00 0 / 1
Update dependency @11ty/eleventy to ^1.0.0
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
#105 by renovate-bot was merged 2022-01-11 17:08:15 +00:00 0 / 1
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
#106 by samuel-p was merged 2022-01-11 17:24:38 +00:00
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
#107 by samuel-p was merged 2022-02-01 16:35:50 +00:00
Update dependency minify to ^8.0.4
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
#108 by renovate-bot was merged 2022-03-10 14:37:24 +00:00 0 / 1
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
#109 by samuel-p was merged 2022-02-26 01:07:54 +00:00
updated donations.json
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
#110 by samuel-p was merged 2022-03-08 17:24:08 +00:00
Update dependency browser-sync to ^2.27.9
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
#111 by renovate-bot was merged 2022-03-17 15:52:11 +00:00 0 / 1
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
#112 by samuel-p was merged 2022-03-29 19:08:46 +00:00
Update dependency glob to v8
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
#113 by renovate-bot was merged 2022-04-24 15:12:25 +00:00 0 / 1