Samuel Philipp 51f9a85aa0
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much more improvements, updated english texts
2024-03-30 03:09:13 +01:00

31 lines
1.3 KiB

layout: base.njk
key: services
title: Services
key: services
title: Services
icon: i-server
order: 2
<a class="float-end mt-3" href="https://status.sp-codes.de" target="_blank"><strong><i class="i-heartbeat me-2"></i>Status</strong></a>
<h1><i class="i-server"></i> Services</h1>
<p>In my spare time, I provide various open source services that can be used for free and without advertising. Here you
will find an overview of the different services as well as descriptions and instructions on how to use them. All
services are hosted in Germany. You are welcome to use them.</p>
<p>As the services are offered privately, unfortunately no permanent availability can be guaranteed. If a service is
discontinued, this will be announced at least three months in advance for services that are not in the test
<p>For anyone who uses the services and all interested visitors, there is a public matrix room as a space for asking
questions, sharing ideas and discussing problems. Feel free to stop by if you use one of the services listed here or
just want to chat:</p>
<h3 class="text-center"><a href="https://matrix.to/#/#sp-codes:matrix.sp-codes.de?via=matrix.sp-codes.de">#sp-codes:matrix.sp-codes.de</a>
<div class="row justify-content-center">
{% include "services-extended.html" %}