2019-03-23 20:55:44 +00:00

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Minetest Mod - Shooter API [shooter]

Depends: default

Handles raycasting, blasting and audio-visual effects of dependent mods


Override the following default settings by adding them to your minetest.conf file

Enable automatic weapons

Uses globalstep to detect left mouse button

shooter_automatic_weapons = true

Enable admin super weapons

Allows admins (server priv) shoot all guns automatically

shooter_admin_weapons = false

Enable node destruction with explosives

shooter_enable_blasting = true

Enable Crafting

shooter_enable_crafting = true

Enable hit particle effects

shooter_enable_particle_fx = true

Enable protection

Requires a protection mod that utilizes minetest.is_protected()

shooter_enable_protection = false

Particle texture

Particle texture used when a player or entity with the 'fleshy' armor group is hit

shooter_explosion = "shooter_hit.png"

Allow node destruction

shooter_allow_nodes = true

Allow entities

Defaults to true in singleplayer mode

shooter_allow_entities = false

Allow players

Defaults to false in singleplayer mode

shooter_allow_players = true

Round update time

Maximum round 'step' processing interval, will inversely effect the long-range velocity of the virtual projectiles. This should always be greater than the dedicated server step time

shooter_rounds_update_time = 0.4

Camera Height

Player eye offset used for rayasting and particle effects

shooter_camera_height = 1.5

API Documentation

Global tables

  • shooter.registered_weapons: Registered weapons by itemstring
  • shooter.config: Present configuration
  • shooter.default_particles: Default hit particle definition
	amount = 15,
	time = 0.3,
	minpos = {x=-0.1, y=-0.1, z=-0.1},
	maxpos = {x=0.1, y=0.1, z=0.1},
	minvel = {x=-1, y=1, z=-1},
	maxvel = {x=1, y=2, z=1},
	minacc = {x=-2, y=-2, z=-2},
	maxacc = {x=2, y=-2, z=2},
	minexptime = 0.1,
	maxexptime = 0.75,
	minsize = 1,
	maxsize = 2,
	collisiondetection = false,
	texture = "shooter_hit.png",


  • shooter.register_weapon(name, definition): Register a shooting weapon. -- See "Weapon Definition"
  • shooter.spawn_particles(pos, particles): Adds particles at the specified position
    • particles is an optional table of overrides for shooter.default_particles
  • shooter.play_node_sound(node, pos): Plays the registered 'dug' sound for the node at pos
  • shooter.punch_node(pos, spec): Punches the node at pos with the spec group capabilities
  • shooter.is_valid_object(object): Returns true if the object can be damaged
  • shooter.fire_weapon(player, itemstack, spec): Adds a 'round' with spec to the processing que
  • shooter.blast(pos, radius, fleshy, distance, user): Create explosion at pos
    • radius: Blast radius in nodes
    • fleshy: Damage to inflict on fleshy objects: (fleshy * 0.5 ^ distance) * 2
    • distance: Area of effect for objects
    • user: A player reference, used for protection and object damage
  • shooter.get_shooting(name): Returns true if player name is holding the left mouse button or nil
    • Requires shooter_automatic_weapons to be set true
  • shooter.set_shooting(name, is_shooting): Sets the left mouse button status of player name

Weapon Definition

Used by shooter.register_weapon

	description = "My Awesome Gun",
	inventory_image = "my_awesome_gun.png",
	reload_item = "itemstring",
		-- Reload Item, "shooter:ammo" is used if omitted
	unloaded_item = {
		-- Optional. Item to be registered as unloaded weapon item
		name = "itemstring",
		description = "My Awesome Gun (Unloaded)",
		inventory_image = "my_awesome_gun_unloaded.png",
	on_hit = function(pointed_thing, spec, dir)
		-- May be used for arbitary shot effects like knock-back, etc.
	spec = {
		-- Weapon specifications
		rounds = 100,
			-- Number of rounds, refilled by the defined reload item
		range = 200,
			-- Range (in nodes) of each shot
		tool_caps = {
			-- Tool capabilities, used for object/player damage
			full_punch_interval = 1.0,
			damage_groups = {fleshy=3},
		groups = {
			-- Damage groups, used to effect nodes as a normal tool item would
		sounds = {
			-- Sound files (defaults)
			shot = "guns_rifle",
			reload = "shooter_reload",
			fail_shot = "shooter_click",
		bullet_texture = "shooter_bullet.png",
			-- Particle texture file name for the projectile
		particles = {},
			-- Optional. Table of overrides for `shooter.default_particles`